Showing posts with label Heroines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heroines. Show all posts

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Show Your Mom You Think She's a HEROINE!

Mother's Day is coming!
We offer a slew of kick-butt heroines from the 40s to the 70s, from spies and detectives to superheroines to photographers and newspaper reporters, as well as a line of branded Heroines-wear!
Mother's Day is May 14th!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Recapping the RetroBlog Summer Mini-Marathons...

While you were vactioning this summer, every RetroBlog had at least one mini-marathon...
Seduction of the Innocent!! took a look at the never-reprinted Devilina b/w magazine from 1975 with two tales about the title character and two horror mini-classics!
"Merchants of Evil", "Lost Tomb of Nefertiri", Devilina is Coming..., "Devilina: Satan's Domain", and "Devilina Fights Curse of the Ra Scarb"

At Secret Sanctum of Captain Video, we presented no less than three different, never-reprinted comic versions of this legendary Ray Harryhausen film, including one of them featuring art by the late, great, John Buscema!
Dell's 1950s adaptation Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Marvel's 1970s adaptation Part 1, Part 2
Legend Horror Classics' 1970s British adaptation 

In cross-overs between War: Past, Present, and Future and Hero Histories, we had never-reprinted tales of two World War I aviator-heroes from the 1960s!
After all, it's the 100th Anniversary of World War I and these tales were published during the 50th Anniversary!
G-8 and His Battle Aces Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Conclusion
Phantom Eagle Part 1, Conclusion

Hero Histories featured the final, never-reprinted tale of the campy Silver Age version of The Shadow. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

War: Past, Present and Future also presented another never-reprinted story published in the 1960s, Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos in...ready for it?...KOREA!
Part 1, Conclusion 

What's summer without a good "beach read"?
And there's nothing better than a never-reprinted Gothic Romance at True Love Comics Tales!
You can read every chapter...Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 

Justice didn't take a holiday during the summer, as the 1950s hard-boiled saga of private eye Johnny Dynamite received a re-telling at Crime & Punishment!
"I'll Find That Killer",  "Eye for an Eye!", and "Wire Trap"

Western Comics Adventures presented the never-reprinted 1950s adventures of Davy Crockett by Jack (King) Kirby!
Introduction, "Devil Rapids", "Missing Bullet Hole", "Running Fight", and "King Ram"

Heroines! took a slightly different approach with Phantom Lady's Twice-Told Tales, featuring stories that re-used either scripts or art from earlier tales!
Spitfire Sanders "The Whip" & Phantom Lady "Satan's Seal, "World's Meanest Crook" & "Meanest Men in the World", "Killer Clown" & "Success is No Accident!", "Television Spies" 1.0 & 2.0, and "Soda Mint Killer" & What Price Protection?"

Sadly, due to Google revamping and screwing up their Photos app, where we store all our pix for these blogs, we did not get to...
...the first, never-reprinted, story of the Silver Age Plastic Man by Gil Kane in Hero Histories!
But, it and the remaining, never published in America, stories of Estaban Maroto's Wolff will see re-presentation this autumn!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Last Week on RetroBlogs...

with three tales, including the landmark story that changed his life forever!

Heroines! featured another of the Phantom Lady's Twice-Told Tales...
...involving that then-new technological wonder...TELEVISION!

Unfortunately, due to Google porting over all our images from Picausa to Google Photos without warning, we've had to bounce a couple of the presentations from this week to next week, which will make it a really-busy week of RetroBlog goodies for fans!
Think of having all your pictures organized in a file cabinet by blog title, then by alphebetical order.
Then imagine someone tosses all of those pictures into a big box and loses all the file labels!
That's what happened to us!
But don't worry, we'll sort it all out...

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Last Week on RetroBlogs...

...7th Voyage of Sinbad, featuring early art by League of Extraordinary Gentlemen artist Kevin O'Neill at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video! War: Past Present & Future! the opera! Heroines!
What's coming up next week?
You won't know unless you look!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Join the Summer Fun on RetroBlogs!

This past week you may have missed these RetroBlogs Mini-Marathon entries...
This never=reprinted, John Buscema-illustrated, adaptation at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video!
This never-reprinted origin story at War: Past, Present & Future and Hero Histories!
Plus the explanation of how this female spy vs Nazis story...
...became this superheroine vs Commies tale at Heroines!
What's Next?
Watch this blog to find out!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How a Spitfire Became a Phantom!

We've begun the summer mini-marathon at our "sister" RetroBlog, Heroines...
... with the explanation of how the tale above was altered/transformed/morphed into this story! a tale of publishing, print production, and paste-ups!
It's a two-for-one deal you won't want to miss!
Click HERE to read it!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summer Fun on RetroBlogs!

Every summer we run mini-marathons on the various RetroBlogs...
At Secret Sanctum of Captain Video, we'll present no less than three different, never-reprinted comic versions of this legendary Ray Harryhausen film, one of them featuring art by the late, great, John Buscema!
(but we're not going to tell you which one!)
In a cross-over between War: Past, Present, and Future and Hero Histories, there will be never-reprinted tales of two World War I aviator-heroes from the 1960s!
Hero Histories will also feature the final, never-reprinted tale of the campy Silver Age version of The Shadow...
...and the first (also never-reprinted) story of the Silver Age Plastic Man by Gil Kane!
War: Past, Present and Future will also present another never-reprinted story published in the 1960s, Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos in...ready for it?...KOREA!
What's summer without a good "beach read"?
And there's nothing better than a never-reprinted Gothic Romance at True Love Comics Tales!
Justice doesn't take a holiday during the summer, as the 1950s hard-boiled saga of private eye Johnny Dynamite receives a re-telling at Crime & Punishment!
Don't think we've forgotten
We just haven't finalized the plans for them...yet!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Visit Our Other RetroBlogs: Heroines!

Presenting the best in never-reprinted comic heroines from the long-lost, but much-beloved, Isis... the futuristic one-shot wonder Aurora... 1960s super-spy Tiffany Sinn...
...and many other super (and non-super) sisters!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Polar Vortex II: the Wrath of Cold!

With winter finally hitting the US full-force...
... we invite you to re-visit the kool Polar Vortex posts on this blog
Here's the list (with links)...
Read them in front of a roaring fire with a mug of hot chocolate!