Showing posts with label Sea Hunt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sea Hunt. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fantastic Femmes--Wende Wagner

Navy brat Wendy Wagner was an expert scuba diver, swimmer, and surfer. She also looked incredible in a bikini.
So, naturally, she became both a professional model and underwater stunt-double for two tv series.
When producers realized she could also act, Wende began doing guest appearances on tv series and secondary characters in features, usually scantily-clad.
In 1966, Batman tv series producer William Dozier offered her a co-starring role in his new series Green Hornet as the hero's secretary/confidante. Though the show only ran one season, Wende made an indelible impression on fanboys then and since.
After the show's cancellation, she returned to doing guest appearances, until retiring from acting in the late 1970s.
Wende passed away in 1997 from cancer.
Genre appearances include...
Bait (Victim)
Rosemary's Baby (Rosemary's Girl Friend)
Mannix "Skid Marks on a Dry Run"
Green Hornet[1966] (Lenore "Casey" Case)
A Covenant with Death (Rafaela Montemayo)
Destination Inner Space (Sandra Welles)
Flipper [1965] "Flipper's Monster"
Sea Hunt (stunts)
Aquanauts (stunts)
Check out...
Other actresses to play Lenore "Casey" Case include...
Cameron Diaz in The Green Hornet [2011]
Anne Nagel in The Green Hornet [1940] and The Green Hornet Strikes Again [1940]
Lenore Allman in The Green Hornet [1936-1952]

A special treat: Wende's appearance on What's My Line while she was doing underwater stuntwork for Sea Hunt and Aquanauts...