Look at Clark Kent aka Superman, Peter Parker aka Spider-Man, or Britt Reid aka The Green Hornet.
In each case, the reporter / photographer / editor-publisher served basically as an information provider for the costumed identity to go out and crush evil. ("Hmm...this teletype says Luthor is using a giant robot to destroy Star Labs! This looks like a job for Superman")
But...what if the reporter / photographer / editor-publisher was the actual hero?
What if these crime-crushers had no powers, save The Power of the Press!
That's what Atomic Kommie Comics' ™ newest kool kollectible collection Newpapermen (& women) Against Crime is all about!
Featuring...Big Town's Steve Wilson the managing editor of The Illustrated Press
Casey: Crime Photographer for The Morning Express
Jane Arden: Crime Reporter
and Dick Quick: Ace Reporter
battling corruption, racketeering, and even sabotage, on t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs, and other nifty stuff, these classic images evoke a period when we could trust those who provided the news to give us not only unbiased reporting, but occasionally kick serious ass on our behalf!
(Note: We covered Jane previously, and we'll be doing Hero(ine) Histories for the others shortly.)
If you have a media mogul in the family, here's a perfect (and relatively inexpensive) birthday or holday gift for them.
Remind them of the way it used to be (and could be, again)!