Showing posts with label The Spider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Spider. Show all posts

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cover Preview MASKS #7

The BIG crossover of masked mystery-men continues...
...with this cover by Francisco Francavilla for #7, featuring The Shadow, The Green Hornet, and The Spider.
But who's holding the card?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

MASKS: the Ultimate Mystery-Man Team-Up

We'll be showing you a team-up between The Shadow and Doc Savage soon...
But there's a marathon team-up mini-series coming in November that'll make history for the sheer amount of pulp and media heroes from various companies combined in one story!
It's called, appropriately enough, MASKS, and features...
The Shadow!
The Spider!
Plus other heroes like Miss Fury, The Black Bat, and The Black Terror are mentioned as appearing later on in the series!
Watch for it!
Plus see a sneak preview of the latest (#8) cover for The Shadow's solo title!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Preview: THE SPIDER #1 Alternate Cover by Francesco Francavilla

Francesco Francavilla continues to astound us with his renditions of classic pulp heroes...
...ash shown with this alternate cover for the new Spider series from Dynamite!
The look is based on the movie serial version of the character...
...not the original pulp look(s)...
...which is fine by me.
I liked the more distinctive costume from the serial. ;-)