Showing posts with label Gene Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gene Day. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday Fun BLACK ZEPPELIN "The Strip"

Artist Gene Day was best-known for his work on Marvel's Master of Kung Fu and Star Wars books...
...but he had a rarely-seen humorous style as well!
After Gene passed away, his family went through his files and found a wealth of unpublished and uncompleted work, whch served as the basis for the anthology mini-series Black Zeppelin.
His brothers Dan and David, also talented artists, finished the incomplete tales, and his wife Gale served as editor for the project.
In addition, several stories Gene had plotted or scripted, but not drawn, were rendered by friends like Dave Sim and saw publication in the book.
Here's the intro by Gale to this tale...
We ran one of Gene's earlier tales HERE.
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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reading Room IMAGINE "Days of Future Past"

Three years before Chris Claremont made it the most famous story title in comics history...
...another comics creator used the Moody Blues' album title Days of Future Passed!
This tale by writer/artist Gene Day from Star*Reach's Imagine #2 (1978) is closer in premise to Ray Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder" than the Moody Blues' album.
Gene is survived by his brothers David and Dan, both of whom still work in publishing (and comics from time to time).
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