Showing posts with label Terry Beatty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terry Beatty. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Does Popular Culture Corrupt Kids?

For the answer, you must read... Max Allan Collins with EC Comics-style illustrations by Terry Beatty and pulp-style cover by Glen Orbik!
Ironically, the subject matter is just as relevant today as it was back in the 1950s...
Or so the esteemed Dr. Werner Frederick would have people believe—people like the Congressmen holding hearings on banning violent crime and horror "funny books." And when the crusade provokes a most un-funny murder, Jack Starr—comics syndicate troubleshooter—has no shortage of suspects. Was it the knife-wielding juvenile delinquent or the naked seductress? Perhaps a frustrated publisher or an outraged cartoonist. Or was it a comic book reader...?
(You can read an excerpt HERE!)
Inspired by the real-life 1950s witch-hunt against crime and horror comics (much like the present crusade against video games and movies), Max Allan Collins' crime novel SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT gives you a slightly-skewed, but based on the facts, view of the history of comics loaded with Easter Eggs for any pop culture aficionado.
I'd offer you a link to buy a copy, but refuses to allow me to do so because I'm a resident of Illinois and New York, which charge Internet sales tax, so Amazon doesn't allow residents of either state to use their Associate program.