Showing posts with label Confederate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confederate. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Trump Reading Room ARCHIE'S JOKE BOOK MAGAZINE "Profiles in Courage"

Every family has its' "black sheep"...
...even the incredibly-wealthy Lodges!
(From Archie's Joke Book Magazine #73 [1963])
This never-reprinted strip was created during the 100th Anniversary of the Civil War, when Southerners were determined, in fact almost desperate, to rehabilitate their image.
Numerous movies and TV series portrayed the Confederates as noble, but misguided, and in some cases,  objects of humor.
(Hey, if they could make the Nazis funny in Hogan's Heroes...)
The irony is that this was also the era of the creation and implementation of the Civil Rights Act, which brought out the worst in many White Southerners who were terrified at the concept of Black people being on a totally-equal level (socially and politically) with them!
It's also worth noting that, in this era, Republicans...the Party of Abe Lincoln...are the ones defending memorials to the "glory" of the Confederacy!
Truth is stranger than fiction!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Stay Safe by Sheltering in Place with RetroBlogs' Summer Blogathons...

...we'll keep you entertained with time-lost rare and never-reprinted tales you'll find only at...
...our newest RetroBlog
...controversial Western tales featuring TV's Confederate protagonists the Gray Ghost and the Rebel at
Barbaric action in the Conan/Kull tradition at
...along with the already-announced
Perry Mason...whose never-reprinted comic books will show you why the new HBO series is closer than you think to the early novels!
Check out
Crime & Punishment
for his hard-boiled adventures!
And, to make it a Super-Summer Blogathon...
The book-length saga of Superman dying from "Virus X" was one of the classic (and often reprinted) Silver Age tales of the Man of Steel!
But. that's not what we're showing...since it's been reprinted numerous times over the years (and deservedly so)!
Did you know it was re-conceived as an expanded, multi-part, never-reprinted, story in Action Comics several years later?
That's what you'll see at
Hero Histories
in July!
Plus, we're presenting not one, but two Blogathons featuring the Man of Steel's cousin in stories unseen for 50 years!

Several of Supergirl's (somewhat kinky) romances in
True Love Comics Tales!

The Maiden of Might's weirdest, wildest adventures in
There's still more (we have to keep you entertained and safe), but you'll have to be back next Sunday to find out about them...