Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Did We Ask "What's the Point of Supplying England While They Defy Hitler?"

...or Did We Provide What They Needed While They Were...

Note: Republicans Didn't Support Supplying England During World War II!
Read the Republican Party Platform (in their own words) HERE!
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Saturday, February 24, 2024

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday Madness: How Repugs Think We Can Fight Russkies in the Ukraine!

I'd say they read these comics as kids...
#2 (1953) Art by Jim McLaughlin
...presuming they could actually read!
#3 (1953) Art by an unknown illustrator
Click on the links to our "brother" RetroBlog War: Past, Present & Future...and read about...
...which were two different 1950s series with two different plotlines and histories of the same potential future (the 1960s) from the same publisher!

Thursday, February 24, 2022


As Putin's Russia attacks Ukraine, bringing the world closer to a potential nuclear conflict... behooves us to look back at how the government thought we'd have to deal with a potential nuclear attack!
As you might have guessed, this was a comic booklet that was handed out to students in the 1950s-1960s who were shown the famous Duck and Cover movie in their classroom!
Be here tomorrow for the conclusion...but, in the meantime, here's a kool download from the Library of Congress about Duck and Cover and similar Civil Defense films!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reading Room WORLD WAR III "Unleashed" Conclusion the Summer of 1960, the Soviet Union launched a devastating nuclear sneak attack on the United States...
Oddly, this series presented a similar series of events to the first issue of Atomic War, but in a slightly-different time-frame, and a different order!
There were no cross-overs and technology and certain events were very different in the two titles.
BTW, Atomic War! came first, in November, 1952, following in December, then going bi-monthly in February and April, 1953.
World War III ran in March and May of 1953, the months Atomic War! wasn't published, giving kids of the era a monthly fix of fissionable future fun!
In mid-1953 most of the Ace Publishing comic line, except for romance and war books (WWII & Korea, not future), and one horror title, were cancelled.
The remainder died when the publisher dropped comics altogether in 1956, concentrating on paperbacks (including the legendary Ace Doubles) until the company was purchased by Grosset & Dunlap in 1972, and is now a highly-successful division of Penguin Publishing Group.
Story by pulp and paperback novel author Robert Turner, who wrote all the tales in both issues of World War III.
Illustrated by Ken Rice.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Reading Room WORLD WAR III "Unleashed" Part 1

We travel to another potential near future (the 1960s as seen in 1952)... we see a different version of how World War III could start...from the same publisher as Atomic War!
We pause to catch our breaths and take in the sheer devastation.
Be here tomorrow for the conclusion of "Unleashed" along with background about how this series differs from it's "brother" title from the same publisher, Atomic War!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Reading Room ATOMIC WAR! "Sneak Attack" Conclusion

On a quiet night in 1960, the Soviet Union launched a treacherous attack on the United States utilizing nuclear weaponry.
Though caught off-guard due to Commie sleeper agents disabling most of NORAD's Distant Early Warning System, America's armed forces swing into action...
In reality, a mid-air burst would be as effective, if not more so, than a nuclear bomb hitting the ground, with the electro-magnetic pulse effectively destroying all electronics and a shock wave unobstructed by buildings or geographic features.
From the New York Journal-American Archive at the University of Texas

This 1952 tale launched the short-lived Atomic War comic book series, which presented a remarkably-consistent "future" world of 1960 with it's own continuity.
Illustrated by Ken Rice, this premiere tale from Ace's Atomic War! #1 (1952) establishes the premise and leaves the reader shell-shocked.
You can read even more Atomic War tales HERE!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Reading Room ATOMIC WAR! "Sneak Attack" Part 1

With all the talk of potential war between the US and Russia over the Ukraine...
 ...let's look at a potential near future (the 1960s as seen from 1952)...when Commies were everywhere, ready to strike against the complacent Democracies of the world, and the Dodgers were still in Brooklyn!
 We pause to take in the sheer devastation and assure you that
America WILL Strike Back...
 Don't Miss It!