70 years ago today...
...a sneak attack on our naval base in Hawaii forced America's entry into World War II.
But around six months before that, a comic book story was created, based on that very concept!
Cover art by Reed Crandall |
The December 1941 issue of National Comics, featuring Uncle Sam himself as a superhero, predicted it!
Remember that comic books were cover-dated 2-4 months before the actual on-sale date, and that the actual production time for a comic is anywhere between 1-3 months!
So this comic was on sale in September or October of 1941, and the story was written by Will Eisner and drawn by Lou Fine sometime between May and August of that same year!
Eerie, eh?
Note: they didn't get some of the details quite right...
Guam is hit at the same time as Pearl Harbor.
This one is weirdly close to reality!
Guam was attacked and conquered the very next day, Dec 8th!
Uncle Sam himself addresses Congress, warning them these attacks are just a trick to leave the continental US unguarded!
Uncle Sam was right!
A German invasion fleet heads for New England!
Plus, the attacks on Pearl Harbor and Guam were part of a coordinated plan by Japan and Germany!
In reality, Germany had no such trans-Atlantic fleet available.
Hell, they couldn't even invade England, only 35 miles away at it's closest point to Axis-occupied France!
And the Germans were less than happy to discover they now had to deal with America, along with England and Russia!
However they did honor their pact with Japan and declared war on the USA.
In the meantime, you can see another pre-WWII comic that predicted the then-upcoming entry of the US
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