Showing posts with label 150th Anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 150th Anniversary. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Reading Room FORBIDDEN WORLDS "Madman--or Psychic?'

Our final (we swear) Abraham Lincoln-themed story... this never-reprinted piece from ACG's Forbidden Worlds #90 (1960), probably written by editor Richard Hughes and definitely illustrated by George Klein.
OK, I got a bit carried away with this theme, but I didn't even touch the stories where superheroes (Kal-El tried it twice, both as Superman and Superboy) try to go back in time to avert the assassination...

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Reading Room UNKNOWN WORLDS "Man Who Could Fortell Death!"

There are so many comic tales relating to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln...
...that our blog is overflowing with them!
This never-reprinted tale from ACG's Unknown Worlds #17 (1962) by writer "Zev Zimmer" (actually editor Richard Hughes, who wrote almost all of ACG's output) and artist Tom Hickey was one of several Lincoln-themed stories ACG published in their anthologies.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Reading Room WORLD AROUND US: CIVIL WAR "An April Day"

Our final entry is a straightforward text feature not unlike some history books' telling of the tale...
This never-reprinted page from World Around Us: The Civil War (1960) was the next-to-last chapter in the oversized graphic reteling of the events leading up to and following the Civil War as well as the war itself.
Though most of the artists who contributed to other sections are easily recognizable (including Sam Glanzman, Gray Morrow, and Angelo Torres, the illustrator of this text feature (as well as the writer) is unknown.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Reading Room HOUSE OF MYSTERY "Second Death of Abraham Lincoln"

For the past couple of days, we've been presenting straightforward retellings of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln...
...but that's about to change.
It's gonna be a looong vacation, since he screwed up his job as Abraham Lincoln by "breaking character" of the worst faux pas an actor can commit!
Written by Arnold Drake and illustrated by Leonard Starr, this cover-featured story from DC's House of Mystery #51 (1956) is one of several stories where people from the present become involved either in the actual assassination or recreations of it.
Be here tomorow for another comic book story about the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Reading Room LIFE STORIES OF THE AMERICAN PRESIDENTS "End of the Civil War & Death of Lincoln"

BTW, did you note that, at the top of the page, Grant and Lee have the wrong uniform colors?
Though the author is unknown, the artist who penciled and inked the entire 100-page cavalcade of Presidents from Washington to Eisenhower in Dell's never-reprinted one-shot, Life Stories of Ameican Presidents (1957), was John Buscema!
Be here tomorrow for another look at the Assassination of the President...

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Design of the Week: CIVIL WAR

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week, commemorate 150th Anniversary of the end of the Civil War with this kool retro graphic by none other than Jack (King) Kirby!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Reading Room: ABRAHAM LINCOLN: LIFE STORY "End of the Civil War & Asssassination"

Most people don't realize that the end of the Civil War and the murder of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865 were less than 1 week apart!
This section of Dell's never-reprinted one-shot Abraham Lincoln: Life Story (1958) was written by Gaylord DuBois, pencilled by John Buscema, and inked by Alberto Giolitti.
Be here next week as we present a number of graphic visions of Lincoln's final day...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gettysburg in Comic Books

With the 150th Anniversary under way...
...our "brother" RetroBlog War: Past, Present & Future™ is running a couple of never-reprinted tales about the battle that decided the course of the Civil War HERE and HERE.