Showing posts with label Monday Maternity Madness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday Maternity Madness. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday Madness STOP PROJECT 2025 "Authoritarianism"

Today, We Look at How Don da Con Follows Project 2025's instructions...

...told in the visual style of the beloved 1970s animated series Schoolhouse Rock!

Sadly, since there aren't any credits assigned to individual chapters, we don't know who did this superb piece inspired by Schoohouse Rock's "Im Just a Bill"
 segment, shown below...

More Next Monday!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Monday Maternity Madness STOP PROJECT 2025 "Abortion"

Here's the section of the comic on how...

 Project 2025 intends to stop women from having the right to control their own bodies!

As of March, 2025, what hasn't yet occurred is in the process of being put into operation!
More Next Monday!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness MAD "Mad's All-Inclusive Do-It-Yourself Abortion Newspaper Story"

With minor updating, this never-reprinted two-page feature...
...written by long-time contributor Frank Jacobs from EC's MAD Magazine #324 (1994) could be used today!
Sad, isn't it?

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "People Like This Really Exist!"

It's sad and amazing how this strip from 1990 by writer/artist Nina Paley... so relevant (and accurate) today, 24 years later!

From Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Right to Strife"

While some may claim this one-pager by writer/artist Harry S Robins from Angry Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women (1990) is a grossly-exaggerated parody of the Reich-wing mentality of the anti-choice mob, I can confirm from personal observation of some of their protests that it is only slightly-exaggerated.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Son of (Obviously Republican) Judge"

"OK for me (and mine), but not for thee!"
-Republican mantra
Written and illustrated by Steve Lafler.
From Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Burning Issue: a True Story"

The ruling made by the Supreme Court repealing Roe V Wade two years ago seems inevitable...

...when you are dealing with religious fanatics who believe America should be like this!

Nope, this isn't all of America...yet!
But we're sure as Hell headed there as our own conservative religious fundamentalists start dominating the government!
From Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!
There will be more in the coming weeks!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness NAUGHTY BITS "The Job is Taken"... GOD!!!

Republi-Cons Don't Realize He is the Most Prolific Abortionist of All Time?
A never-reprinted PSA (Public Service Announcement) written and illustrated by Donna Barr from Fantagraphics' Naughty Bits #8 (1993).
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A Bitch is Born
by Roberta Gregory

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Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness FACTS 'O LIFE FUNNIES "I Wanted to Say Something..."

This never-reprinted one-pager...

...from Multi-Media Resource Center's Facts 'O Life Funnies (1972) by writer-artist Terry Richards reveals the quandry too many women have faced for over half a century!
Of course the fact that emotionally and intellectually-immature males (unlike true men, who would try to avoid unwanted preganancy) refuse to take equal responsibility in the matter doesn't help!
BTW, note the effectiveness levels of the various birth control methods!
Also note that Republicans want to eliminate them all!
From 2022, a half-century after this comic was published...
Now that's Scary,!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness ABORTION EVE and FACTS 'O LIFE COMICS legal, safe abortions were finally allowed in the United States of America!
Unfortunately, in 2022, that decision was overturned, and the Dark Ages returned to America!
Here's an example of what it was like pre-Roe V Wade...
...from Facts 'O Life Comics, published in 1972!
Do we really want that again?

Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness THE HANDMAID'S TALE

Much as George Orwell's prophetic dystopian novel 1984 was published decades before many elements of it became fact...
Margaret Atwood's 1985 dystopian novel about a future America (renamed Gilead in the early 21st Century) approaches realization in 2024!
We proudly present a couple of excerpts from the graphic novel adaptation, published in 2019.
Note that the Handmaids' clothing designs and other uniforms are somewhat different from the movie or TV series.
Before selection, potential Handmaids live in dorms where communication with each other is forbidden.
The "lucky" ones are placed only in households of the rich and powerful whose wives cannot conceive children.
Note that it is mentioned that failure to conceive is sometimes the husband's fault!
(But it's a situation that likely happens more often than discussed...)
The unnamed narrator is assigned to The Commander and given the name "Offred" since her new master is Fred...

Offred manages to escape, but her fate is unknown.
The epilogue is set in the future (specifically 2195), when Gilead has been replaced by a more rational government and way of life...

There's an award-winning sequel novel published in 2019, The Testaments, set fifteen years after the conclusion of Tale and chronicles the fall of Gilead.
This graphic novel was also published in 2019.
HERE'S an interview with the adaptation writer/artist with some concept art!
Whether you borrow the prose novel or graphic novel from the library or buy it (new or used), please READ it!
Too many of the concepts shown are in the Republican platform and its' manual Mandate for Leadership: Project 2025 (which you can download in PDF form at HERE)!
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Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Generation Gaps"

Republicans want us to regress to 1960 (and further back) instead of progress past 1980!
Written and illustrated by Robert Triptow.
From the one-shot benefit comic by Angry Isis Press, Choices: A Pro-Choice Benefit Comic Anthology for the National Organization of Women (1990)

Monday, April 29, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Silent Scream II: the Prequel"

In Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Anthology for the National Organization of Women (1990)...

The sequence was Trudeau's response to the then-recently-released anti-abortion film Silent Scream.
In the strips, Trudeau utilized the same cinema verite/documentary-style techniques the movie used to make his point.
The movie is still distributed by religious and anti-choice groups, but has been disproven as hyperbolic and scientifically-inaccurate.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Civilization as We Know It!!"

The male (not "men" by any standard) Republican mindset in a nutshell...
...and I do mean "nut"!
From Angry Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!

Monday, August 8, 2022

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Donahue"

The story's title refers to The Donahue Show...

...a daytime talk show hosted by Phil Donahue, who believed everyone should be able to present their viewpoints.

There's more about that incident HERE.
In an interesting twist, Killea herself is not pro-abortion, but believes others should have the right to choose!
“Abortion is a tragedy,” Killea said on The Donahue Show.
"However, even as government works to expand family-planning programs that could curtail the number of abortions," she said, "it also must ensure that abortions 'are legal and safe--and rare.' ”
Personally anti-abortion, but professionally pro-choice!
Heck of a lady...and a politician with integrity!
She passed in 2017!
From Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!
One final note: both writer Mindy Newell and artist Ramona Fradon are Jewish, so their disgust at the Holocaust comparison is both heartfelt and understandable!