The story's title refers to The Donahue Show...
...a daytime talk show hosted by Phil Donahue, who believed everyone should be able to present their viewpoints.

There's more about that incident HERE. In an interesting twist, Killea herself is not pro-abortion, but believes others should have the right to choose!“Abortion is a tragedy,” Killea said on The Donahue Show.
"However, even as government works to expand family-planning programs that could curtail the number of abortions," she said, "it also must ensure that abortions 'are legal and safe--and rare.' ”
Personally anti-abortion, but professionally pro-choice!
Heck of a lady...and a politician with integrity!
She passed in 2017!
From Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!
One final note: both writer Mindy Newell and artist Ramona Fradon are Jewish, so their disgust at the Holocaust comparison is both heartfelt and understandable!