Showing posts with label president. Show all posts
Showing posts with label president. Show all posts

Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Madness: Presidental Sex, Lies, and Movies!

Press Secretary Jerry Ross (Martin Short) sneaks the Martian “girl” (Lisa Marie) into the White House in 1996’s Mars Attacks!
He lifts a lever, under a bust of JFK, which opens the door to a secret assignation space.
Was this scene a tribute to JFK's phallic prowess?
Want to see how pop culture presents real-life Presidents' antics in reel-life?
Check out this blog post...
(Full disclosure: I do the image reserch/selection/editing for the blog, but have no control over the editorial material.)

Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday Madness BEDLAM "Earth Invasion"

Trumpanzees and other conspiracists should read this kick-butt piece...
...and then we'll witness if they feel like going out and shooting someone!

Ready to grab those AR-15s and slaughter the local populace?
Why not, kids?
Wackadoodles have used the "pop culture" causes violence trope for over a half century, from the "comics cause teen crime" insanity of the 1950s to the "violent videos" of the 80s and 90s, to the video games of today.
Think About This: If violent video games (supposedly) cause people to become insane killers, why do countries like Japan, with far more violent video game content, have far less crime (including shootings) than America?

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Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday Madness: Read the Comic Book SuperHero Who Embodies Don (the Con) Trump's Skewed Mindset!

When Many, Many, People Question the disgraced, twice-impeached EX-President's grasp on reality... wonder "how does he see himself and his place in the world"?
A hero who, without making any effort, or requiring any special skills or training, can do anything he wants, simply by willing it to be so!
An uneducated child's ultimate wish-fulfillment brought to life!
And isn't Trump the elderly embodiment of an uneducated child?
Read it for yourself...HERE!
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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Andrew Johnson: the FIRST Impeached President!

With lame-duck President Donald Trump about to be impeached for the second time...
...lets look at how the first President to undergo the ritual was portrayed in comics, starting with this one-pager by writer/artist Joseph Kaliff from Centaur's Wham Comics #1 (1940) which doesn't mention his impeachment!
OTOH, this one-pager by artist John Buscema and an unknown writer from Dell's one-shot Life Stories of American Presidents (1957) tackles it head-on...
....while this half-pager from Our Presidents (1953) doesn't have the space to go into detail...
....unlike this text piece illustrated by Alex Blum and scripted by an unknown author from Classics Illustrated #105 (1953)!
The matter was ignored in the same publisher's Classics Illustrated #162a (1961), illustrated by George Evans...
...though the political conflict behind the impeachment is mentioned!
The impeachment is covered again (briefly) in the same publisher's World Around Us #21 (1960), though only referred to as a "trial"!
Finally, EC's Picture Stories from American History #4 (1947) presents the matter in their feature on the post-Civil War Reconstruction period...
Writer Jerry Coleman and artist Allen Simon cover the impeachment as a sidebar to the main story.
You'll note differing "points of view" in the various versions, much as TV and movie "docu-dramas" tend to differ when retelling the same events.
Which is closest to the truth?
I offer the legendary Encyclopedia Brittanica as an unbiased source on the topic HERE and HERE.
Then judge for yourself...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Don da Con and "I Want No Quid Pro Quo" hired a pair of DC/Marvel creatives to explain... graphic storytelling (aka "comic strip") format, the entire Don da Con impeachment mishigas!
Writer Anthony DelCol and illustrator Josh Adams, utilizing quotes, transcripts, and testimony put the entire tale in context from start to finish so simply and effectively, even a Repug Senator could follow it!
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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Trump Reading Room BEDLAM "Earth Invasion"

Trumpanzees should read this kick-butt piece...
...and then we'll witness if they feel like going out and shooting someone, like their fellow Trumpanzee did in El Paso!
Ready to grab those AR-15s and slaughter the local populace?
Why not?
Wackadoodles have used the "pop culture" causes violence trope for over a half century, from the "comics cause teen crime" insanity of the 1950s to the "violent videos" of the 80s and 90s, to the video games of today.
If violent video games (supposedly) cause people to become insane killers, why do countries like Japan, with far more violent video game content, have far less crime (including shootings) than America?
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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Art Gallery Exhibition Opening: SH*T MY PRESIDENT SAYS!

Opening tomorrow, January 10th, within sight of Don (the Con) Trump’s "Winter White House"... an exhibition of  Shannon Wheeler‘s collection of cartoons visualizing Donald Trump’s Tweets, entitled Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets of Donald J. Trump cartoons (from his acclaimed book of the same name) at EmKo gallery, 2119 South Dixie Hwy, just across the water from Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.
If I can get a cheap round-trip deal during the week, I'll pop down before it closes!
If you can go...GO!
If you can't get down there, you can order the book...

Monday, September 25, 2017

Trump Reading Room aka the OutHouse HILLBILLY COMICS "Saturday Night at Shootin' Creek"

What do Deplorables do on weekends?
...perhaps what this never-reprinted tale from Charlton's Hillbilly Comics #4 (1956) extrapolates!
Illustrated, and probably written by Art Gates, this text story about the MacSleezys (whom we've presented HERE, and HERE) is typical hillbilly humor, playing up their illiteracy and violent tendencies...aspects the Deplorables take pride in!
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Friday, April 28, 2017

Trump Reading Room COMMANDER BATTLE AND THE ATOMIC SUB "Payoff Battle!"

...I'm sure I saw this plot reused on Voyage to the Botom of the Sea in the 1960s!
Written by Richard Hughes and illustrated by Ken Landau, this never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #5 (1955) was the second and last issue of the new anti-communist direction the series took.
The series continued for two more issues, which changed direction yet again, as the Atomic Sub battled flying saucers!
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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Trump Reading Room COMMANDER BATTLE AND THE ATOMIC SUB "Behind the Bamboo Curtain"

...we'll check out the rest of the team as the story goes...
Written by Richard Hughes and illustrated by Ken Landau, this never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #5 (1955) was the second issue of the new anti-communist direction the series took.
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