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Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness DEAR LONELY HEARTS "Unwed Mother"

Before the Comics Code Authority Turned the Industry Upside Down in Late 1954...

...comics tended to tell more adult-oriented material since, except for the funny animal/humor books, they were aimed at the 15 to 21 (teen to young adult) audience!

Illustrated by Marty Elkin and scripted by an unknown scribe, this never-reprinted tale from Comic Media's Dear Lonely Hearts #7 (1954) reads like a typical adult soap opera of the era.
After the Code came into effect, even fairly innocuous tales like this were modified from their pre-Code version into almost-unreadable pap as shown HERE.
BTW, it's interesting to note the comic's hostess/narrator, Mildred Norton, is a dead ringer for Joan Crawford!
I don't believe it is mere coincidence!

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