Showing posts with label American Comics Group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Comics Group. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Reading Room ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "Vampire Spider"

Here's a tale that combines two of the most popular themes of sci-fi/horror... mutation in human beings and giant arachnids (which includes both insects and spiders)!
This never-reprinted cover story from ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #50 (1953) was written by editor Richard Hughes and illustrated by Robert McCarty, who, unfortunately, doesn't do a very accurate (most panels show the arachnid with only six legs) or scary spider, much like cover artist Ken Bald...
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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Reading Room ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "U.F.O's...Bunk or the Real Thing?"

From the final issue of one of comics' longest-running fantasy anthologies...
Art by "Lou Wahl" (Kurt Schaffenberger)
...comes a tale about an always-popular subject!
Written (as was almost everything at ACG) by editor Richard Hughes using a pseudonym, this cover-featured, never-reprinted story from Adventures into the Unknown #174 (1967) was illustrated by Bob Jenney, whose experience with sci-fi/fantasy included numerous movie adaptations for Dell Comics like Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and Frankenstein).
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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Holiday Reading Room ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "Why the Leprechauns Left Ireland!"

 At last, the long-repressed (and never-reprinted) story can be told...

...on, appropriately enough, St Patrick's Day!
So, they left Earth...not just Ireland!
Whatta story!
Nikita Khrushchev, Communists and possible Atomic War!
Cape Canaveral (before it was renamed Cape Kennedy, after Irish-American Prez John F Kennedy)!
Plus:  Giants from the center of the Earth!
Does it get any better than this?
I don't think so.
Writer/editor Richard Hughes (under the appropriate pen-name Shane O'Shea) and illustrator Odgen Whitney probably thought the same when they created this whimsical tale for ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #132 (1962).
59 years later, it's my pleasure to present it for your St Patricks Day entertainment.
Now, if you'll excuse me, there's several pints of Guinness Extra Stout in my fridge, waiting to meet me...
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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Reading Room ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "Man in the Mirror"

I've worked on-and-off in the comics industry since 1982...
...and I've never experienced a situation like this guy goes through!
(I've never seen anyone wear a suit jacket at their desk, either. But that's another story...)
This reflective story ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #9 (1950) was probably written by editor Richard Hughes and was illustrated by pulp artist Robert S Pious, who worked on-and-off in comics from 1940 to 1955 before moving into book publishing and later, fine arts.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

CoronaVirusComics FORBIDDEN WORLDS "Alien Germs"

By the late 1950s, we were so confident in advances in medicine...
...that the only way we'd face a catastrophic pandemic was if it was of alien (that's extraterrestrial, not illegal) origin!
Is there nothing science (with assistance from alien tech) can't solve?
According to this story from ACG's Forbidden Worlds #71 (1958) by writer/editor Richard Hughes and artist John Rosenberger the answer was clearly "NO"!
Interestingly, when the story was reprinted in ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #166 (1966), only two things were altered...both on the title page...
See the diifferences?
The title has been altered and the extremely-optimistic opening blurb about mankind's almost-miraculous medical acumen was deleted!
Was it simply because, in the mid-1960s, we were no longer totally-trusting about our government and other authority figures?
Or was it...dare I say it...a conspiracy?
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Forbidden Worlds Archives
Volume 3

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Frankenstein Reading Room: ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN Spirit of Frankenstein "Dagget's Phantoms"

We Have Already Seen...
...disgruntled elderly Professor Lambert Pardway, working as an assistant to Doctor Daniel Warren, tricks Warren into implanting the dying Pardway's brain into an experimental android.
Before Pardway's brain can use the android body to destroy Warren and his girlfriend, it is "short circuited" by Warren...
Writer/editor Richard Hughes and artist Charles Sultan merrily combine science and the supernatural in this wild tale from ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #6 (1949), setting a tone that would countinue for the remainder of the series...
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