Showing posts with label corbis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corbis. Show all posts

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The SECRET Marvel Comics WebPage!

For several years beginning in 2005, Corbis (a photo agency owned by Bill Gates) handled licensing Marvel Comics images for editorial and advertising use.
It apparently didn't work out too well, since the partnership no longer exists, nor does the link (which was still operational until late 2009).
Design Commission, the company who designed the really kool web interface for the partnership's pages had a functioning mockup of the Corbis/Marvel webpages on their corporate website for several years.
"Corbis selected Design Commission to create a unique experience using Flash and XML, where users could explore a wide, yet deep, snapshot of Marvel’s archive in a fluid and engaging environment."
Unfortunately, it was recently removed, and their work on the Corbis/Marvel pages has been reduced to a mere footnote in the company's history.

It's now a lost piece of Marvel Comics history!