Welcome to the first (never-reprinted) space opera graphic novel...

...as we meet the crew of the starship Destiny, the best and brightest Earth has to offer, starting with the tale's narrator/ship's historian/archivist...
To Be Continued on Wednesday Here at Atomic Kommie Comics as Part of
Wednesday Worlds of Wonder
In this pre-Alien tale, "in space, everyone can hear you scream!"
While pre-Alien, this project was post-classic Star Trek and it shows in the basic exploratory concept, the cast's multi-ethnic composition, and a "hey, we come in peace" attitude...not to mention a lackadaisical approach towards touching unknown objects of obviously-extraterrestrial origin!
Created in 1976 by writer/editor Byron Preiss and illustrator Stephen Fabian, this digest-sized graphic novel (second and last in a series which then converted to trade paperback size for two more volumes) was racked in drugstores and candy stores with similarly-formatted periodicals including Archie Comics and various soap opera, romance novel, UFO, etc. mags.
As a result, it sold rather poorly.
Remember there were less than a half-dozen comic book stores in America at that time, and regular bookstores refused to carry the digest-sized periodical!
After this, Pyramid Books modified the format to trade paperback size, but, despite projects by Jim Steranko and Ralph Reese, the series only lasted two more volumes!
As a result, it sold rather poorly.
Remember there were less than a half-dozen comic book stores in America at that time, and regular bookstores refused to carry the digest-sized periodical!
After this, Pyramid Books modified the format to trade paperback size, but, despite projects by Jim Steranko and Ralph Reese, the series only lasted two more volumes!
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