Showing posts with label nuclear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuclear. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

Monday Mutant Madness MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED "How Nuclear Radiation can Change Our Race"

From Fawcett's Mechanix Illustrated V49N8 (1953)...

...a cautionary tale about mutants produced by exposure to atomic radiation...written by Otto Binder and illustrated by Kurt Schaffenberger!
Did it help inspire Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Werner Roth, and Vince Colletta in creating this sequence in Marvel's X-Men #14 (1965)?
You tell us!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Is "Tomorrow's War" Almost Here?

Nuclear war with the Russkies!
In 1953, we thought it might occur around 1972... this never-reprinted tale from Youthful's Atomic Attack #5 (1953) shows!
Read it HERE, at our "brother" RetroBlog War: Past, Present & Future...before it's too late!!

Monday, March 21, 2022

Monday Madness TIME WARP "Righteous Ones"

As, thanks to Vlad the Puta, rumbles of nuclear war grow ever louder...
...we thought we'd take a look at a possible result of such a frightening future!
Cue Twilight Zone theme...
Written by DC writer/editor George Kashdan (who co-created Tommy Tomorrow) and illustrated by the multi-talented Dick Giordano, this never-reprinted tale from DC's Time Warp #1 (1979) reads like it was scripted a decade earlier in the late 1960s, especially in the teen-agers' dialogue ("Like it was chain-reacted into doomsville!")!
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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Reading Room ROCKET SHIP X "Our Atomic Future"

Remember when we thought the Day After Tomorrow would be...
...and all the world's woes could be solved with nuclear power?
If you're an older Baby Boomer, or one of the Greatest Generation, you might remember this tale from Fox's one-shot Rocket Ship X (1951) or something similar to it, since the unhindered (but safe) use of atomic power was being promoted as the ultimate solution to the world's oil/gasoline problems!
Oddly, when it was reprinted in Charlton's Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #5 (1956), only the first page was shown!
Sadly, no records exist to identify the writer and artist (or writer/artist) of this unfulfilled prophecy.
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Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday Madness AMAZING ADULT FANTASY "Ultimate Weapon"

Who, in 1962, could believe that we'd still be on the brink of nuclear war with the 1970?
Stan Lee and Steve Ditko thought so...and offered a potential solution...
Would the solution proposed in Atlas' Amazing Adult Fantasy #13 (1962) work in reality, 60 years later?
Russia and China both have the capability to reach geostationary orbit (22,236 miles)., but would they try to use it?
Think about it...
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Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday Madness: How Repugs Think We Can Fight Russkies in the Ukraine!

I'd say they read these comics as kids...
#2 (1953) Art by Jim McLaughlin
...presuming they could actually read!
#3 (1953) Art by an unknown illustrator
Click on the links to our "brother" RetroBlog War: Past, Present & Future...and read about...
...which were two different 1950s series with two different plotlines and histories of the same potential future (the 1960s) from the same publisher!

Saturday, February 26, 2022


This is NOT for the Faint of Heart!
Now see what misled millions of innocent young schoolchildren who thought they'd survive an atomic attack by simply ducking and covering...
Amazing what the government would lie about, eh?

Thursday, February 24, 2022


As Putin's Russia attacks Ukraine, bringing the world closer to a potential nuclear conflict... behooves us to look back at how the government thought we'd have to deal with a potential nuclear attack!
As you might have guessed, this was a comic booklet that was handed out to students in the 1950s-1960s who were shown the famous Duck and Cover movie in their classroom!
Be here tomorrow for the conclusion...but, in the meantime, here's a kool download from the Library of Congress about Duck and Cover and similar Civil Defense films!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Trump Reading Room ALIEN WORLDS "Ride the Blue Bus"

Was this the future Don the Con had in mind for us?
Thanks to him, we were edging ever closer and closer to it.
But next week, we reverse course...
This never-reprinted post-apocalyptic tale by writer Bruce Jones and artist George Perez from Pacific's Alien Worlds #7 (1984) has an odd quirk.
Both Toby's friend, Juke, and the unnamed bus driver are illustrated as black/ethnic.
Yet neither is colored differently than the blond/blue-eyed Toby!
Was this deliberate?
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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Is THIS Our Future???

With North Korea threatening us with nuclear weapons (again)...
...maybe we should look at how it was during the Cold War by looking at what they thought (in the 1950s) would happen in the near-future (the 1960s onward)!
Turns out it wasn't so great, as you'll see when you click on the links to our "brother" RetroBlog War: Past, Present & Future...and read about...
...which were two different series with two different plotlines and histories taking place at the same time in the near future...from the same publisher!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Reading Room BLAST-OFF "Danger! Atoms!"

Underrated writer/artist Howard Nostrand offers...
Here's the original art from the never-reprinted tale published in Harvey's 1965 one-shot anthology Blast Off!
What does it all mean?
Discuss among yourselves!
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