Showing posts with label jay chou. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jay chou. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Green Hornet Movie Sequel Comic..."Aftermath"

Dynamite had added another title to their extensive Green Hornet line...Green Hornet: Aftermath,  a sequel to the Seth Rogan / Jay Chou movie which features both the movie's personnel and characters from the movie prequel comic Green Hornet: Parallel Lives.
Jai Nitz and Nigel Raynor will continue writing and illustrating duties from Parallel Lives.
Oddly, there's no comic adaptation of the movie itself!
And, I'm a bit perturbed by Nitz's comment that "...Green Hornet comics either stunk or didn't exist for a long time..."
He obviously didn't read the NOW Comics run, which was as good, or (more often) better than his work. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Night They Kept Britt Reid from Seeing THE GREEN HORNET

Last night, I went to see The Green Hornet.
Last night, I didn't see The Green Hornet!
I was coming directly from a meeting with a client, so I had my laptop with me.
When time came to go in, the audience was told that we would have to check our cellphones, BlackBerrys, laptops, etc.
Now, my cellphone doesn't even have a camera. (I'm waiting for Verizon's iPhone.)
My laptop does have a camera, but it's on the inside lid, above the screen. The only way I could photograph the movie is if I turned the laptop around and pointed the keyboard and screen at the movie screen!
So, taking them from me was roughly the same as frisking a toddler at an airport security gate. It's stupid and useless, but you do it to maintain the appearance of political correctness.
(In addition, the film is already on several filesharing sites!)
Nonetheless, I was still prepared to surrender the items for the duration of the film.
While checking the items, I asked the guard about liability, specifically what happened if the items were lost or stolen while in his custody.
His response was a casual "Don't worry about it."
I pressed the matter, as both the phone and laptop contained proprietary material.
"Look, it's a free screening. Do you want to go in or not?"
To avoid holding up the line, I asked to speak to his supervisor, who also could offer no warranty on loss or damage.
Quite frankly, I had seen enough situations where, without such assurances, things had happened, and the responsible party wasn't held liable.
To safeguard my material, I had no choice but to not enter the screening.
NOTE: both the guard and his boss were cordial. VERY professional. NO raised voices, NO angry words exchanged.
And, in the future, I'll avoid bringing my laptop to screenings.
I'll hit a matinee this weekend, and let you know what I think on Monday.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

YouTube Wednesday--THE GREEN HORNET "The Green Hornet" (1974)

This week, the NEW Green Hornet movie starring Seth Rogan and Jay Chou opens!
To celebrate (and contrast), we're offering a special treat...the FIRST Green Hornet feature film, complete and uncut!
Actually, it's a compilation of four tv series episodes, with additional fight footage tossed in, released shortly after the death of Bruce Lee, as you can tell by the promo posters!
The adapted episodes are "Hunters and the Hunted", "Preying Mantis", and the two-part "Invasion from Outer Space", all of which we've covered in previous YouTube Wednesday installments.
There was also a second compilation film, called Fury of the Dragon, but we were unable to find it online.
Enjoy this 90-minute slice of history, and if you go see the new flick, let us know what you think!