Showing posts with label Doug Moench. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doug Moench. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Best of Reading Room UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Behold the Man" Conclusion

Art by Frank Brunner
Time traveler Karl Glogauer journeys to Palestine almost 2,000 years in the past to confirm the existence of Jesus Christ.
With his time machine damaged beyond repair and discovering he's gone a decade too far back, the now-stranded Glogauer encounters John the Baptist...
Published in the British sci-fi magazine New Worlds (which Moorcock himself edited) in 1966, the non-linear story running two parallel plot/timelines won the Nebula Award for "best novella".
Moorcock expanded it to novel length...
Art by Robert Foster
...and it is that currently OOP version which is best-known to American audiences and served as the basis of this never-reprinted adaptation in Marvel's Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #6 (1975) by writer Doug Moench and artist Alex Nino.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Best of Reading Room UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Behold the Man" Part 1

With Christmas behind us and New Year's Day just ahead...
...we're going to re-present a controversial (albeit award-winning) time-travel tale about the guy whose birthday we just celebrated!
To Be Concluded...
In the 1960s, science fiction experienced an influx of a "New Wave" of writers who wanted to go beyond "hard" sf and experiment, both in form and in content, with a more literary/artistic sensibility.
New Wave writers often saw themselves as part of the modernist tradition, writing "soft" or metaphysical stories instead of the technology-oriented or "hard" sf of Asimov, Heinlein, et al.
The leading proponent of the movement was Michael Moorcock, editor of the British magazine New Worlds as well as an established and successful "hard" sf writer.
to be continued...
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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Reading Room MARVEL PREVIEW "Man-Gods From Beyond the Stars" Conclusion

British edition cover
In the far-distant past...
...technologically-advanced aliens visit the Earth on a mission of exploration.
Their mandate is to observe, but not interfere.
In the present (1975)...
...scientists discover ancient cave paintings that tell of god-like beings who came down among the primitive humans.
But, the paintings don't tell the whole story, for the aliens are far more human than even they suspect!
Are we, in fact, "Children of the Gods"?
This tale, written by Doug Moench, illustrated by Alex Nino was likely a "pilot" for an ongoing series, but, Jack Kirby's return to Marvel with his similarly-themed Eternals, this ended up dooming this to being merely an all-but-forgotten one-shot!
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Complete Collection

Featuring all the series' Jack Kirby-written and illustrated stories!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Reading Room MARVEL PREVIEW "Man-Gods from Beyond the Stars" Part 2

Art by Neal Adams
In the far-distant past...
technologically-advanced aliens visit the Earth on a mission of exploration.
Their mandate is to observe, but not interfere.
In the present (1975)...
scientists discover ancient cave paintings that tell of god-like beings who came down among the primitive humans.
But, the paintings don't tell the whole story...
The Conclusion!
Written by Doug Moench, illustrated by Alex Nino. this tale from Marvel Premiere #1 (1975) has never been reprinted!

As we said last week, When Jack Kirby returned to Marvel in 1975, while he did take on writing and illustrating two of his greatest co-creations, Captain America and Black Panther, his new projects (Eternals, Machine Man/Mister Machine, and Devil Dinosaur, were all set firmly outside the Marvel Universe, as was the one-shot Silver Surfer graphic novel Kirby and writer Stan Lee produced (which you can read HERE),often referring to Marvel characters as fictional, 
All that went by the wayside, when Kirby left Marvel to do animation design for Hanna-Barbara and Ruby-Spears along with his own independent comics projects.
It appears the Marvel creatives couldn't wait to incorporate the new characters and within months, all of Kirby's characters were guest-starring in various titles including Thor, Hulk, Ka-Zar, and even What If?, firmly integrating them with links to everyone from the Norse and Greek gods to Thanos himself (who was retroactively made the son of two Eternals).
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A HUUUGE HardCover, reprinting the entire Kirby run at Original Art Size (15"x22"), 1 1/2 times the size of the printed comic book and other trade paperbacks!