Showing posts with label Joel Magpayo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joel Magpayo. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2015

TIME WARP WEEK "The Most Special of Effects"

Welcome to Time Warp Week... we take a week-long look at DC's short-lived 1979-1980 sci-fi anthology, one issue per day.
Using both established pros and talented newcomers, this oversized anthology (68 pages for $1 when the standard comic was 36 pages for 40¢) presented all-new material, almost all of which (including this story) has never been reprinted!
Mike Kaluta, definitive artist for the comic version of The Shadow, provided pulp-style covers for the entire run.
While they had no relation to any of the stories in the book, they were spectacular!
Be here tomorrow as we sample #5, the final issue!