Showing posts with label editorial cartoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label editorial cartoon. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2018

100 Years Ago Today...

...the "War to End All Wars" (we hoped) came to a conclusion.
In those pre-Internet (even pre-radio) days, print media played a vital role!
When France presented the United States with the great Statue of Liberty, which stands at our gates, she little thought how powerful that symbol of her friendship would some day prove!
By its shining light we now march to her aid!
...a book of the New York Herald newspaper's editorial cartoons, entitled America's Black & White Book: One Hundred Pictured Reasons WHY WE ARE AT WAR, hit bookstores like a bombshell!
Editorial illustrator's W.A. Rogers' visceral renderings, previously seen only by NYC readers, reached a national audience already enraged by atrocities like the sinking of the Lusitania and ready to kick the Central Powers' collective ass!
The illustration above is the final piece in the book.
You can read (and/or download) the entire book from the Smithsonian's website HERE!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Art Gallery Exhibition Opening: SH*T MY PRESIDENT SAYS!

Opening tomorrow, January 10th, within sight of Don (the Con) Trump’s "Winter White House"... an exhibition of  Shannon Wheeler‘s collection of cartoons visualizing Donald Trump’s Tweets, entitled Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets of Donald J. Trump cartoons (from his acclaimed book of the same name) at EmKo gallery, 2119 South Dixie Hwy, just across the water from Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.
If I can get a cheap round-trip deal during the week, I'll pop down before it closes!
If you can go...GO!
If you can't get down there, you can order the book...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Design of the Week--The Cartoon Crimes of BIG TOWN!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
One of the coolest of our vintage Big Town / Illustrated Press designs is this one, showing the staff cartoonist illustrating a plot to kill the newspaper's racket-busting editor! (Why they couldn't just write it down is beyond me, but it makes for a great visual, eh?)
Note: the art is by the legendary Gil Kane (BlackMark, Green Lantern, Warlock, Spider-Man, etc.), who apparently used himself as the model for the artist!

Makes a great birthday or holiday gift for the graphic artist or art student in your life! (Not that we're suggesting they should plot to cause the demise of anyone..)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Newspapermen (& women) Against Evil!

"Newspapermen" in comics tended to be the alter-ego of a costumed crusader.
Look at Clark Kent aka Superman, Peter Parker aka Spider-Man, or Britt Reid aka The Green Hornet.
In each case, the reporter / photographer / editor-publisher served basically as an information provider for the costumed identity to go out and crush evil. ("Hmm...this teletype says Luthor is using a giant robot to destroy Star Labs! This looks like a job for Superman")
But...what if the reporter / photographer / editor-publisher was the actual hero?
What if these crime-crushers had no powers, save The Power of the Press!

That's what
Atomic Kommie Comics' ™ newest kool kollectible collection Newpapermen (& women) Against Crime is all about!
Featuring...Big Town's Steve Wilson the managing editor of The Illustrated Press
Casey: Crime Photographer for The Morning Express
Jane Arden: Crime Reporter
and Dick Quick: Ace Reporter
battling corruption, racketeering, and even sabotage, on t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs, and other nifty stuff, these classic images evoke a period when we could trust those who provided the news to give us not only unbiased reporting, but occasionally kick serious ass on our behalf!
(Note: We covered Jane previously, and we'll be doing Hero(ine) Histories for the others shortly.)

If you have a media mogul in the family, here's a perfect (and relatively inexpensive) birthday or holday gift for them.
Remind them of the way it used to be (and could be, again)!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Cartoon Book WITHOUT Cartoons!

"...except we won't show you the cartoons!"

"Freedom of speech is at stake here, don't you all see?
If anything, we should ALL make cartoons of Muhammad, and show the terrorists and the extremists that we are all united in the belief that every person has a right to say what they want!
Look, people, it's... been real easy for us to stand up for free speech lately!
For the past few decades we haven't had to risk anything to defend it.
But those times are going to come!
And one of those times is right now!
And if WE... aren't willing to RISK... what we have, then we just believe in free speech, but we don't defend it."
Chris in South Park "Cartoon Wars"

It's a sad world where a cartoon character has more sense and courage than John Donatich, the director of Yale University Press, publishers of an upcoming book by a noted authority on Islam about the Muhammad editorial cartoons published in a Danish newspaper in 2005, and the ensuing controversy (to put it mildly)!

The book, The Cartoons that Shook the World!, will NOT contain the cartoons themselves!

It's like doing a book analyzing the classic comic strip Peanuts, but not using a single illustration of Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy, or any of the characters, or reprinting any of the strips!
Instead the author would just describe them in the text!

In addition, Yale removed all the other Muhammad images included in the book as comparisons, including centuries-old fine art published in encyclopedias and currently on exhibit in noted museums!

Needless to say, author Jytte Klausen is pissed!
She said “Muslim friends, leaders and activists thought that the incident was misunderstood, so the cartoons needed to be reprinted so we could have a discussion about it.”
Makes sense, right?

Donatich is quoted as saying the reason NOT to print the cartoons in the reference book was “when it came between that and blood on my hands, there was no question.”
What the hell is he talking about?
There has been no outcry about the book's impending publication, despite the fact that it was originally announced last year!
No death threats!
No fatwahs!
So, what is Donatich afraid of?
Is he buying into the stereotype of Muslims being fanatics who would kill him for publishing this book?
An academic who believes in ethnic stereotypes?
Now THAT'S scary!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Controversial Chimp Cartoon

I don't usually comment on editorial cartoons, but as a graphics / cartoon professional (I've been an art director for both cartoon reference books and several comic book companies), I can't, in good conscience, remain silent on a recent piece that appeared in the NY Post.
And, I'm one of the least "politically correct" people you'll ever meet...

Post editor-in-chief Col Allan released a statement defending Sean Delonas' New York Post cartoon: "The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington's efforts to revive the economy."

My take; If the policemen had been labeled, such as "Republican House" and "Republican Senate", and the chimp labeled "Stimulus" or "Stimulus Author" or somesuch, indicating that the Republicans had "shot down" the stimulus bill (which they haven't, BTW), or put a wig on the chimp (since Nancy Pelosi was the primary author of the stimulus bill), or, if they had shown the policemen shooting a group of chimps at keyboards (the classic "infinite chimps with typewriters" scenario), then Col's statement might (repeat, MIGHT) have some validity!

As it is, I believe Col's statement just reveals his lack of ability in judging and editing both content and intent in editorial matter.

Keep in mind: Freedom of speech is cool! Freedom of speech is important! Just make sure when you say something, you're coherent! This cartoon is NOT clear as to it's intent or purpose, and thus fails as an editorial statement!

Look at the work of the editorial cartoon greats: Nast, Herblock, Maudlin...they ALWAYS got their points across, cleanly and effectively! You may not have agreed with them, but you KNEW what they were saying!