Showing posts with label graphic novel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graphic novel. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder FROST & FIRE Part 3

When Last We Left Sim...

When Your Entire Life from Birth to Death is Only Eight Days Long and You're Already Halfway Through, Things Take on a Certain...Urgency!

To Be Concluded

Officially-titled DC's Science Fiction Graphic Novel #3Frost & Fire (1985), this was part of DC Comics' second attempt at an ongoing series of graphic adaptations, this time of existing material from noted sci-fi/fantasy authors.
(The first series featured original concepts and stories by comic creatives including Jack Kirby, Howard Chaykin, and Alex Nino.)
Both series ran for seven issues.
Except for Jack Kirby's The Hunger Dogs, which concluded the original New Gods series, none of the stories has ever been reprinted!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder FROST & FIRE Part 2

A boy (Sim) is born on a planet where humans were shipwrecked long ago.
The extreme environmental conditions have sped humans' metabolisms over time, causing them to age rapidly--living from birth to death by old age in 8 days.
Sim learns, even as a baby, seemingly by mental osmosis, picking up fragments of knowledge from his parents' minds.
With freezing nights and burning days, there's only a small window of time each day during which they can be outside...

To Be Continued

Officially-titled DC's Science Fiction Graphic Novel #3Frost & Fire (1985), this was part of DC Comics' second attempt at an ongoing series of graphic adaptations, this time of existing material from noted sci-fi/fantasy authors.
(The first series featured original concepts and stories by comic creatives including Jack Kirby, Howard Chaykin, and Alex Nino.)
Both series ran for seven issues.
Except for Jack Kirby's The Hunger Dogs, which concluded the original New Gods series, none of the stories has ever been reprinted!
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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder FROST & FIRE Part 1

It's an interesting concept told in a short story by Ray Bradbury.
Klaus Janson adapts it, handling the script, line art, and coloring in a one-man show.
To Be Continued
Officially-titled DC's Science Fiction Graphic Novel #3: Frost & Fire (1985), this was part of DC Comics' second attempt at an ongoing series of graphic adaptations, this time of existing material from noted sci-fi/fantasy authors.
(The first series featured original concepts and stories by comic creatives including Jack Kirby, Howard Chaykin, and Alex Nino.)
Both series ran for seven issues.
Except for Jack Kirby's The Hunger Dogs, which concluded the original New Gods series, none of the stories has ever been reprinted!
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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Space Force / Space Heroine Saturdays STARFAWN "To the Nearest Quasar!" Part 6 and Epilogue

We Have Already Seen... prevent a planetary disaster, Shalla (aka StarFawn) utilized her newly-acquired transforming powers to become pure energy and enter an alien power conduit to move trapped fellow crewman Daystar out of the power flow which his body was contaminating!
As she made contact with the helpless, immobile crewman, everything went black, and...

Sadly, there was no sequel tale.
Since both the writer and artist are unfamiliar to most of the under-40 audience, here are their bios from the back of the book...

Though Preiss and Severin have passed on, Steve Fabian is still alive and has a website you can visit HERE.
Annette Kawecki changed careers, went to medical school, and is now a successful MD!
Next Week:
Back to One or Two-Part Stories, beginning with...
Well, Just Tune In Next Saturday to See!

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