Showing posts with label Emily Post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emily Post. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday Fun SNAFU "Emilie Toast's Etiquette Page

For those who claim we've become a rude, crude society...
.......... a never-reprinted spoof of classic etiquette expert Emily Post's ever-eloquent diatribes about politeness from Atlas' SNAFU b/w mag, courtesy of an unknown writer (possibly editor Stan Lee) and artist John Severin, who could draw literally anything in any genre!
Note: though the issue is V2N1 (1956) it's actually only #2 because Volume 1 had only one issue!
In the old days, "Volumes" were date-related, so if you began publication at the end of the year, as this did, the next issue, which would be published in the following year, was a new Volume!
(Hey, don't blame me, colectors! I didn't make the rules!)

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