Showing posts with label Zip Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zip Comics. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday Fun ZIP COMICS "Ginger and Her Haunted House Hokum!"

Yeah, it's my title for this untitled story...
...but I think you'll see it fits both subject and time period!
"I'd have gotten away with it if not for those pesky kids!"
Sound familiar?
Written by Ed Goggin, illustrated by Claire Moe, this never-reprinted tale from MLJ's Zip Comics #42 (1943) was, in many ways, a typical tale for the period.
Bad guys use "haunted" house as base of operations, kids who won't be scared off whup their butts!
(We ran a similar one, featuring fanboy SuperSnipe HERE!)
Ginger Snapp was one of a plethora of teen characters MLJ debuted in the 1940s that survived into the 1950s, even receiving her own title, running 10 issues!
Of course,you know the most popular of those characters since the company renamed itself in his honor...Archie!
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