Showing posts with label funny animal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny animal. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday Holiday Fun / Easter Reading Room TICK-TOCK TALES "Koko and Kola Meet the Red Easter Bunny!"

Walt (Pogo) Kelly didn't have a monopoly on Easter-themed stories... fact, Magazine Entertainment's Tick Tock Tales #4 (1946) presented both a cover and several stories (including this one) featuring it's ongoing characters teamed-up with the Easter Bunny!
The artwork is by Leon Jason Comic Art Studios who supplied funny-animal art to numerous publishers including Magazine EntertainmentSpotlight PublishingNovelty Press and EC Comics (before they did horror) during the 1940s and '50s.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Monday Madness / Thanksgiving Turkey TINY TOT COMICS "Dunny the Flying Donkey on Christmas Eve!"

Before EC Comics Became Entertaining Comics and Did Xmas Tales Like This...
...they were known as Educational Comics, and told Xmas tales like this never-reprinted story from EC's Tiny Tot Comics #10 (1947) that qualifies as our "Thanksgiving Turkey" for 2024!

Dunny the Flying Donkey was one of several ongoing strips in Tiny Tot Comics created, written, and illustrated by Burton Geller.
When EC changed direction and cancelled all its' humor and funny animal titles, Geller moved on to other publishers, patricularly Pflaum's Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact, where he remained until he retired in 1963.

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Saturday, April 6, 2024

Space Hero Saturdays SPACE MOUSE II "Secret Weapon"

Space Heroes take many forms...not all of them human! shown in this never-reprinted introductory tale from Dell's Four Color Comics: Space Mouse #1132 (1960).

Writer Carl Fallberg and artist John Carey did such an amazing job on this intro to the character, that when it was adapted in 1963 into a cartoon short (May be NSFW/NSFS due to racial stereotyping of Siamese cats using "Asian" accents) directed by Alex Lovy shown HERE, most (but not all) of the plot, script, and visuals were kept intact!
Though the cartoon didn't result in a Space Mouse TV series (or even additional cartoon shorts featuring the character), it did spawn a number of additional comic book stories as well as a five-issue Space Mouse comic!
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Woody Woodpecker and Friends
Volume 2
(Which has the Space Mouse "Secret Weapon" cartoon!)
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Friday, April 5, 2024

Friday Fun with SPACE MOUSE II!

He's not this rodent...
...whose strip ran through several Avon Comics funny animal titles in the early 1950s!
In 1959, a year after Avon ceased publishing comics, Dell Comics introduced a new Space Mouse...
...who was published as a Walter (Woody Woodpecker) Lantz project, though Lantz had no input into the character's creation or direction!
Note: In many cases, I'm skeptical of the accuracy of Wikipedia articles, the one about this character (click HERE) rings true, so, unless anyone can disprove it, I'm sticking with it!
Movie-tv animator/comic book artist John Carey designed the character and illustrated almost all his appearances including covers, stories, and one-page features and text pieces!
Along with the cover shown above, here's a few examples of Carey's work from Space Mouse's premiere in Dell's Four Color Comics: Space Mouse #1132 (1960)...

The b/w pages are from the inside covers of the comic, which were printed without color (or just black and one other color) to save money...a standard practice in comics until the 1970s.
Ironically, the last page would've benefitted from using color to play up the bulls-eye/target joke!
Tomorrow in
Space Hero Saturdays...
The Introductory Comic Story!
A Link to the Animated Version
(which is not available on YouTube!)
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Woody Woodpecker and Friends
Volume 2

(Which has the Space Mouse "Secret Weapon" cartoon!)
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Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Fun DIPPY DUCK "Dangerous Dave" here's a short from another such one-shot by Stan and artist Joe Maneely!
Much like Everett did with Marvin Mouse, who looked more like a rat than a mouse, Joe Maneely tried to do a totally "non-Donald" duck!
Sadly, the end result didn't look much like a duck!
The versatile Maneely could do humor, as shown HERE, but this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Dippy Duck #1 (1957) shows even he had his off-days!
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Sincerest Form of Parody

Friday, December 30, 2022

Friday Fun MARVIN MOUSE "Shoe-In"

The late Stan (the Man) Lee wrote numerous graphic story classics!

This ain't one of them, but it does show off his "Catskill comic" (aka vaudville) sense of humor!

A caption at the end of the book read "And remember, every issue Marvin Mouse magazine brings you the best in laughs, adventure, and fun ... don't miss a single issue!"
No problem!
The book ended up a one-shot and the already-completed material intended for #2 became filler in the backs of other humor titles.
(Editor Stan Lee was very frugal and didn't let anything go to waste!)
Most of the never-reprinted Atlas' Marvin Mouse #1 (1957) consisted of single-page or half-page Marvin Mouse features plus a Dippy Duck story.
There was another multi-page Marvin tale, which we presented HERE!
Note: Dippy Duck was another funny animal comic written by Stan Lee launched at the same time...which also lasted only one issue!
Hey, they can't all be hits!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Space Hero Saturdays VIC VERITY MAGAZINE "Rocket Rex"

Take a handsome hapless hero, a hot helpless heroine, a sinister sneering villain, add spaceships and ray guns...
...and, you've got classic 1940s-50s sci-fi action...with a unique twist!
Oh, did we mention they were anthropomorphic animals?
This never-reprinted story from Vic Verity Magazine #7 (1946) was obviously the first episode of a projected series.
Unfortunately, it appeared in the last magazine the short-lived Don Fortune Publishing ever produced!
Both the writer and artist are, at this point, unknown.
But the other stories in the comic were the work of CC Beck, Otto Binder, and others who worked on the Fawcett Comics line, so the odds are that the writer and artist for Rocket Rex are also from that ensemble.