You thought you'd never see this guy...

...anywhere except in reprints?
well, you don't know Marvel, Bunkie!
Decades after his initial appearance (which we showed
HERE), both the monster
and his supporting cast re-emerged from obscurity in
Marvel's Fantastic Four Unlimited #7 (1994), beginning with
Frank Johnson, the illustrator who created Zzutak, meeting the team (minus
Reed Richards, but plus
Scott Lang aka Ant-Man II)...

However, there was a familiar (to Frank Johnson, at least) party-crasher...
Mayhem ensues, but the Aztecs manage to grab both Frank and his son...
Once in Mexico, we learn why Frank had the ability to bring illustrations created using those paints to life...
In comics, that's actually a quite plausible theory...and it works!
And before you can shout "Here I come to save the day!"...
Subtitled "A ten-story tribute those those marvelous Lee/Kirby monsters", writer Roy Thomas, penciler Herb Trimpe and inker Carmen Imperato followed the original tale's plot and concepts closely enough that anyone reading them back-to-back (as you did) would have no problem considering it a legitimate sequel to the original!
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Monster Masterworks
(HTF anthology TPB from the 1980s featuring Zzutak's first appearance plus a kool never-reprinted "Kirby-tribute" wraparound cover by Walt Simonson)