Showing posts with label Chadwick Boseman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chadwick Boseman. Show all posts

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Gone Too Soon...Chadwick Boseman 1976-2020

I didn't know he had cancer...
...and he didn't publicize the fact, preferring to perform and create memorable cinematic personas, both real and fictional.
As a Brooklyn boy born the year the Dodgers left town, I grew up with my dad (who hated the Yankees) telling the story of Jackie Robinson and the incredible guts he had in order to do what no Black man had done before!
When the movie 42 hit theaters, I rushed out to catch it, and see the tales my dad told me about (including some of the really-nasty, racist shit) brought to life.
Boseman's Jackie Robinson wasn't a pure, larger-than-life icon, but a guy who wanted to do something he loved, no matter what it took.
When he was cast as The Black Panther (and yes, I bought Fantastic Four #52 at my local candy store in 1966), I knew he'd have the physical prowess to make the character convincing on-screen, but wasn't sure he'd pull off the persona, not to mention the accent.
I shouldn't have worried.
He was great!
Now he's gone.
What can you do to pay respect?
No matter what it takes!
It's what Jackie and T'Challa Would Do!
So, let your voice be heard!
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