Showing posts with label Brak the Barbarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brak the Barbarian. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder BRAK THE BARBARIAN "Unspeakable Shrine" Conclusion's not a synopsis, but the Steve Gan art was too kool for me not to present it!
Anyway on with the story...
Afraid not, Septegundus! 
This story in Marvel's Savage Tales V1N8 (1975) was the finale for Brak's graphic story adventures!
Unlike other barbarian/high adventure characters, Brak was never reprinted or revived.
OTOH, he fared better than Lin Carter's Jandar of Callisto!
There was a text feature in the previous issue of Savage Tales about the multi-volume John Carter/Carson of Venus pastiche by the noted fantasy author being adapted by Marvel.
Unfortunately, except for a couple of promo pieces, there was never any work done on the projected strip.
Next Week:
More High Adventure with Another Never-Reprinted Series!
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(includes a never-before-published conclusion to the series!)

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder BRAK THE BARBARIAN "Unspeakable Shrine" Part One

Though Brak was the least-successful of Marvel's early 1970s barbarian horde... wasn't for lack of trying, as this never-reprinted story from Marvel's Savage Tales V1N7 (1974) demonstrates!
To Be Continued
Doug Moench and Steve Gan both went on to other kool high-adventure projects at Marvel!
Doug scripted the b/w Doc Savage series (considered by many, myself included, to be the best comics version of the Man of Bronze) and Steve worked on Tarzan, Conan, co-created Skull the Slayer, and co-created the Guardians of the Galaxy's own Peter Quill/StarLord!
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(includes a never-before-published conclusion to the series!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder BRAK THE BARBARIAN "Sword and the Road"

Who is Brak the Barbarian?
Though we presented his first comic appearance last week, most current comics fans are totally-unaware of him!
So let's clear up the matter...
After this never-reprinted text feature from Marvel's Savage Tales V1N6 (1974), there were two more Brak short-story collections; When the Idols Walked (1978) and Fortunes of Brak (1980).
All the books were re-edited into the collection shown below.
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(includes a never-before-published conclusion to the series!)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder BRAK THE BARBARIAN "Spell of the Dragon!"

In the Bronze Age, Marvel adapted every barbarian/sword and sorcery character they could get...
...often giving the original writers (if they were alive) the chance to script the series themselves!
Author John Jakes commented...
I long ago admitted in print that I created Brak because there were simply no more Conan stories from Robert E. Howard, whose work I admired.
In my adolescent years I wrote – on notebook paper – further adventures of Batman and Superman because I enjoyed them but there weren’t enough of them in comic books to satisfy me. Somehow the other sword and sorcery strong men – Lin Carter’s, Michael Moorcock’s et al. – while deserving of praise in their own right, didn’t do it for me. I needed more Howard.
I invented Brak.
There were only three Brak comic tales, this one plotted and laid out by Dan Adkins and scripted by Jakes himself along with penciling by Val Mayerik and inking by Joe Sinnott.
(It seems to be an original tale, not an adaptation.)
Then a two-part adaptation of the (chronologically) first Brak tale, "The Unspeakable Shrine" by Jakes, Doug Moench, and Steve Gan.
No more new comics tales!
No reprints!
Next week, we're presenting an illustrated text feature from Savage Tales featuring background info about the character and author, John Jakes!
After that, the complete, unseen for decades two-part comic story!
Don't miss them!
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(includes a never-before-published conclusion to the series!)