Showing posts with label doctor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctor. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Fun GET LOST! "Dr Jerkyll Became Mr Hide"

It's more "inspired" by the Robert Louis Stevenson tale than an adaptation...

...since it's set "present day" (1950s) and the dear doctor is a psychiatrist!
MikeRoss' Get Lost was one of numerous MAD comic clones that popped up in the mid-1950s when that humor comic became one of the hottest titles on the market...literally flying off newsstands!
The company, created by writer/artists Mike Esposito and Ross Andru (the "MikeRoss" of the company name) was meant to be a showcase for their talents.
They edited, wrote, and illustrated almost all the material, including this tale from #1 (1954).
Unfortunately, they debuted just as the legendary "Seduction of the Innocent" scandal (where comics were blamed for juvenile delinquency) hit the public consciousness!
All MikeRoss published were Get LostHeart and Soul (a romance comic) and a couple of 3-D books using modified Heart and Soul artwork.
Sadly, the company never really got off the ground as distributors became leery of handling any comics, much less titles from a brand-new, unproven company!
MikeRoss folded within a year, and the creators returned to working for others, enjoying long careers in the comics business both as a team and individually until they passed away!

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Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Abortion: What Would Hippocrates Say?"

From Choices, a benefit comic produced in 1989, after the Webster V Reproductive Health Services verdict...

...when we thought that was the worst that could happen to America's women!

"Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it!"

Written and illustrated by William Messner-Loebs, a multi-award-winning writer/artist who would do an acclaimed run on DC's Wonder Woman a couple of years after this.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Can SURGEON X Save the World From the Pandemic?

Is This Our Tomorrow?
Find Out This Thursday at our fellow RetroBlog Medical Comics and Stories!
In the meantime, go to the website below for some kool background about the "World That's Almost Here"...

Thursday, July 2, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics SCIENCE COMICS "Walter Reed: the Man Who Conquered Yellow Fever"

...but here's another version of true events, with a somewhat different emphasis...
Rudy Palais, one of the more gruesomely-graphic artists of the Golden Age illustrated this never-reprinted tale from Ace's Science Comics #2 (1946).
In fact, some of Palais' work is excerpted in Fredric Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent!
And, yes, the subject of the story is the Dr Walter Reed the hospital in Washington DC is named after...and this is why it's named after him!
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Thursday, June 4, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics TRUE COMICS "Yellow Jack: How the Cause of Yellow Fever was Discovered..."

Who says comics ain't educational?
Certainly not us!
And this never-reprinted real-life story from Parents Magazine Press' True Comics #1 (1941) proves it!
A perfect example of the scientific method at work!
And, yes, that's the Dr Walter Reed the hospital in Washington DC is named after...and this is why it's named after him!
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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics GIANT-SIZED DOC SAVAGE "The Man of Bronze" Conclusion

Art by John and Sal Buscema
Learning of his father's death due to a rare disease, adventurer/scientist Doc Savage returns to his headquarters in New York City, where he is greeted by his five associates, each an expert in a different science or discipline.
Suspecting foul play, they are about to read the elder Savage's personal papers to ascertain clues, when an assassination attempt is made on Doc.
The group (except for lawyer Ham, sent on another assignment) now goes in pursuit of the gunman...
To Be Continued...Tomorrow,
back where it began, at...
Hero Histories!
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Thursday, April 23, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics REAL HEROES "Plague Vanquished"

Not all comics heroes wear capes... this tale of Edward Jenner, the doctor who saved us from smallpox, proves!
Who says comics ain't educational?
Not me, kiddo!
This never-reprinted story from Parent Magazines' Real Heroes #15 (1946) was one of several graphic dramatizations of Jenner's achievement which has saved countless lives since its' introduction!
Depending on how long the Covid-19 lockdown continues, we may have time to run all of them!
Sadly, both writer and illustrator(s) are unknown!
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Rabbit and Cat's CoronaVirus Jokes for Such a Time as This
Volume One