Showing posts with label Space Western Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Western Comics. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Space Hero Saturdays SPACE WESTERN COMICS "Spurs Jackson and His Space Vigilantes in 'Death from U-235' "'s another exciting, never-reprinted adventure featuring cowboys and aliens from Charlton's Space Western Comics #40.
Ah, for the days when a cowboy's devotion to the good 'ol USA overrode living in luxury on another world with a beautiful space princess...
(Never thought you'd read that sentence on the 'Net in 2025, eh?)
Scripted by Walter (The Shadow) Gibson, and illustrated by an unknown artist!
Don't worry, owlhoot.
There's lots more space-spanning, six-shooting action to come, so keep us bookmarked!