...all of whom possess super-powers which they utilize in their jobs, the Dashers are unaware of a menace not only against them but all humanity, named Quantyl, whose influence is spreading!
But, perhaps, the Dashers have finally realized that, "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility!"
(Where have I heard that before???)
Does this mean we could see some of the Dashers as candidates for Avengers Academy?
Not very likely, since this 2022 one-shot comic establishes that there are potentially hundreds, if not thousands of them exist in whatever section of the Marvel Mutiverse this is set in!
"Dashers Assemble" Promo About the Creation of the Comic!
A Couple of Treats to Apologize for the Delay Between This Post and Part 1...
A Motion Comic of the Issue You Just Read!"Dashers Assemble" Promo About the Creation of the Comic!