Showing posts with label Ross Andru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ross Andru. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Day of the Triffids" Part 3

We Have Already Seen...

(Yes, this pulp-style cover by legendary sci-fi artist Frank Kelly Freas is incredibly-inaccurate, but it is incredibly-kool!)
When a smuggler's plane is shot down after he stole bioengineered plant pods from a Soviet lab, the now-released spores were carried by wind to the four corners of the earth, where they propagated like crazy!
The invasive species, initially-thought to be harmless, possessed stingers, which would strike any animal (or human) who wander too close!
However, scientists discovered the triffids' sap was valuable as the basis for cures for several diseases.
Wherever they were found, the plants were transferred to farms for cultivation and harvesting!
Triffid researcher Bill Mason, temporarily-blinded by a sting to the face, doesn't get to see a once-in-a lifetime meteor shower.
But when he removes his bandages the next morning, after no one in the hospital comes to do so, he discovers that everyone who did see the meteors is now blind...and that triffids are now mobile...and attacking anything that moves!

To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday!

To correct my comment from last week, this story, meant for the color comic Worlds Unknown, was not an attempt to do a novel in one issue, but as a two-part tale, much as Marvel was doing with its' adaptations of Doc Savage novels...which were almost all penciled by this story's artist, Ross Andru!
Trivia: the cover art was altered by Marvel's Art Director, John Romita, Sr, when a deadline loomed and artist Kelly Freas was unavailable to do the changes himself.
The unaltered version of the cover was used for the cover of the British edition of Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction.

Note the different human figures on the left!
Interestingly, Romita's alteration were done to a photographic print of Freas' art, since the original, unaltered painting has since been sold to a collector by a noted auction house!
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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Day of the Triffids" Parts 1 & 2

...we thought it would be kool to run that adaptation where it was Worlds Unknown #6, albeit in b/w instead of color!
To Be Concluded
Next Wednesday

Based on the John Wyndham novel, this cover-featured adaptation in Marvel's Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #1 (1975) was scripted by Gerry Conway, penciled by Ross Andru, and inked by Ernie Chua.
Trivia: This was the only time Worlds Unknown adapted an entire novel (instead of a short story/novelette/novella) into only 17 pages (the length of a book-length color comic story at that time)..though it ended up in the b/w magazine Unknown Worlds after the color comic was cancelled!
(WU's "brother"anthology comic, Supernatural Thrillers, also did only one full-length novel adaptation in 17 pages...H G Wells' The Invisible Man.)

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Fun GET LOST! "Dr Jerkyll Became Mr Hide"

It's more "inspired" by the Robert Louis Stevenson tale than an adaptation...

...since it's set "present day" (1950s) and the dear doctor is a psychiatrist!
MikeRoss' Get Lost was one of numerous MAD comic clones that popped up in the mid-1950s when that humor comic became one of the hottest titles on the market...literally flying off newsstands!
The company, created by writer/artists Mike Esposito and Ross Andru (the "MikeRoss" of the company name) was meant to be a showcase for their talents.
They edited, wrote, and illustrated almost all the material, including this tale from #1 (1954).
Unfortunately, they debuted just as the legendary "Seduction of the Innocent" scandal (where comics were blamed for juvenile delinquency) hit the public consciousness!
All MikeRoss published were Get LostHeart and Soul (a romance comic) and a couple of 3-D books using modified Heart and Soul artwork.
Sadly, the company never really got off the ground as distributors became leery of handling any comics, much less titles from a brand-new, unproven company!
MikeRoss folded within a year, and the creators returned to working for others, enjoying long careers in the comics business both as a team and individually until they passed away!

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ATARI FORCE Part Four "Conclusion"

In 2005...

...humanity, spearheaded by the Atari Force, explored multiple dimensions of the Multiverse to prepare to colonize them since Earth's biosphere is rapidly-decaying!
However, some species, such as the Malagon, are hostile to the intruding humans, but Atari techs developed the Phoenix starfighter to defeat them...if the pilot knows the correct strategy!
Note that the combat technique shown here was actually the way to win the video game!
As shown last week, when this digest-sized comic was reprinted in standard comic size as an insert in a couple of DC's ongoing books, the rather nasty-looking Malaglon...
...became almost-too cute-to-shoot frogs...
...not that something like that would ever stop a trigger-happy human pilot!
Liberator was the Atari arcade game which utilized the Atari Force comic's characters and graphics to greatest effect...
...from the advertising/promotion material... the arcade console itself!
The Atari Force WILL Return!
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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ATARI FORCE Part Four "Part 1"

We Return to the Atari Universe, where in 2005, we started travelling into other dimensions...

..including some where humans definitely aren't welcome!

To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday!
As of this tale in the 1982 fourth cartridge insert comic by writers Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas, Penciler Ross Andru and inker Dick Giordano, it's clear that the pioneering crew of Scanner One finished their initial assignment, returned home, provided vital intel to Atari and helped organize and train a second wave of explorers!
Besides this digest-sized mini-comic, the story was also published as a bonus comic-sized insert in DC's DC Comics Presents #53 and New Teen Titans #27 (both 1983).
That version had some differences...
...starting with a retitling from "Phoenix" to "Code Name: Liberator"...
...and a new subtitle"Liberator Mission: Freedom or Death!"
Plus, every reference in the captions, dialogue and signage is altered from "Phoenix" to "Liberator"!
In addition, the alien Malaglon are altered from brutish, fanged extraterrestrials to...
...frogs, albeit armed and armored frogs!
I'm uncertain if the Comics Code Authority pushed the alteration of the aliens for the mass-market comics version...
...though it is so much more satisfying to see them getting blown up as hideous monsters than cute frogs.
But, that's just me...
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