Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Monday, November 4, 2024
Election Day is TOMORROW!!!
And there came a day unlike any other day, when heroes banded together to battle a menace so overwhelming no single hero could stand against it...
...unless not enough of those heroes actually go to vote!Here's a handy (very) basic guide...Illustrated by Warren Kremer and Al Avision, this one-shot published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (72 years ago) was offered for only a couple of pennies a copy to any group (even Republicans) who wanted to utilize it to get out the vote!
Note: Our gratitude to the ever-amazing Kracalactaka for the full-color scans of this ultra-rare comic!
Now, unless you want things to stay as they are (or get worse)...if you're over 18 and under 110...
Sunday, November 3, 2024
2024 Donald Trump = 1960 George Wallace ?
When your own fans compare you to George Wallace... a retired welder at the Trump rally in Alabama did...
Nativist, reactionary, undereducated.
Wallace was so proud of his racist attitudes that he had them included in a comic book produced in 1960 during his election campaign!
"Donald Trump is telling the truth and people don't always like that," said Donald Kidd, a 73-year-old retired pipe welder from know Trump's hitting the target demographic he wants.
"He is like George Wallace, he told the truth. It is the same thing."
Nativist, reactionary, undereducated.
Wallace was so proud of his racist attitudes that he had them included in a comic book produced in 1960 during his election campaign!
These pages are excerpts of the 16-page comic considered instrumental in Wallace's victory in 1960.
You can see the complete comic HERE.
You'll note an emphasis on "states' rights" of the sort MAGAs advocate as well as the paranoid fear that the Feds wanted to "take over" Alabama.
BTW, In his inaugural speech after winning the race, Wallace promised "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Note: Ironically, Wallace was a Democrat.
However, Federally-forced desegregation as well as the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 caused many racist Democrats aka Dixicrats to switch to the Republican Party (which began catering to the right-wing audience with the "Southern Strategy") or, as in the case of Wallace, joining the newly-created American Independent Party.
In the late 1970s, Wallace became a born-again Christian and recanted his racist attitudes.
But I don't think the 1970s Wallace was the one Donald Kidd was referring to...
But I don't think the 1970s Wallace was the one Donald Kidd was referring to...
Sunday, October 6, 2024
You CAN Vote EARLY in Most States!
Here's a handy (very) basic guide...
...published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (72 years ago)!
Amazing how it's both generic and pertinent even decades later!
Here's a Link to Check When Which States Allow Early In-Person Voting!
Here's a Link to Check When Which States Allow Early In-Person Voting!
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Sadly, This Story, Published Almost 75 Years Ago is as Relevant Today as it Was in 1952!
And there came a day unlike any other day, when heroes banded together to battle a menace so overwhelming no single hero could stand against it...
...unless not enough of those heroes actually go to vote!
Here's a handy (very) basic guide...Illustrated by Warren Kremer and Al Avision, this one-shot published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (72 years ago) was offered for only a couple of pennies a copy to any group (even Republicans) who wanted to utilize it to get out the vote!
Note: Our gratitude to the ever-amazing Kracalactaka for the full-color scans of this ultra-rare comic!
Now, unless you want things to stay as they are (or get worse)...if you're over 18 and under 110...
Monday, August 26, 2024
Monday Maternity Madness FACTS 'O LIFE FUNNIES "I Wanted to Say Something..."
This never-reprinted one-pager...

...from Multi-Media Resource Center's Facts 'O Life Funnies (1972) by writer-artist Terry Richards reveals the quandry too many women have faced for over half a century!
Of course the fact that emotionally and intellectually-immature males (unlike true men, who would try to avoid unwanted preganancy) refuse to take equal responsibility in the matter doesn't help!
BTW, note the effectiveness levels of the various birth control methods!
Also note that Republicans want to eliminate them all!
From 2022, a half-century after this comic was published...
BTW, note the effectiveness levels of the various birth control methods!
Also note that Republicans want to eliminate them all!
From 2022, a half-century after this comic was published...
Now that's Scary,!
Monday, July 29, 2024
Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Some Words From the Guys in Charge"
Want to bet all these characters are based on Republican politicians of the 1990s?
And, note that they are, of course, all males, not "men" in any meaningful sense of the word, just like most current Republican politicians!
For the record, the late writer/artist Howard Cruse was a man, unlike Repug VP candidate JD Vance or Prez candidate Don (da Con) Trump!
From Angry Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Did We Ask "What's the Point of Supplying England While They Defy Hitler?"
...or Did We Provide What They Needed While They Were...
Note: Republicans Didn't Support Supplying England During World War II!
Read the Republican Party Platform (in their own words) HERE!
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Saturday, February 24, 2024
On the 2nd Anniversary of the Russkie Invasion of Ukraine... Republicans vacation while Ukrainians DIE, it's vital we never forget they're...
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Now, More than Ever, It's Important to Show Support for Ukraine...
...even Though Cons in Congress would Rather Support Putin and the Russkies!
Celebrate the REAL Super-Heroes!
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Visit our
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Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Election Day 2023 Remember...YOUR VOTE IS VITAL!!!
And there came a day unlike any other day, when heroes banded together to battle a menace so overwhelming no single hero could stand against it...
,,,unless not enough of those heroes actually go to vote!
Here's a handy (very) basic guide...Illustrated by Warren Kremer and Al Avision, this one-shot published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (71 years ago) was offered for only a couple of pennies a copy to anyone who wanted to utilize it to get out the vote!
Amazing how it's both generic and pertinent even decades later!
Note: Out gratitude to the ever-amazing Kracalactaka for the scans of this ultra-rare comic!Now, unless you want things to stay as they are (or get worse)...if you're over 18 and under 110...
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