Showing posts with label Timothy Lim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timothy Lim. Show all posts

Monday, April 3, 2023

Monday Madness TRUMP'S SPACE FORCE Conclusion

When Last We Left Our Protagonist (No way are we calling him a "hero"!) in This Fantasy...

...Don da Con, in his Spanx-reinforced spacesuit, has left the ship to engage the enemy on a more personal level...

Superb satire or conservative wet dream?
Only writer Chuck Dixon and artist Timothy Lim know, and they ain't telling!X

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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Space Force Saturdays TRUMP'S SPACE FORCE Part 2

The Celestial Peacekeeping Astral Coalition contacts the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to deliver a dire warning: Earth is in danger of takeover by another group of aliens from somewhere in the far left wing of the galaxy.
This insidious force, the Sienn’en, have an armada ready to invade Earth for its resources.
But with the CPAC’s help, Trump puts together a team ready to take the battle into orbit and beyond!
A force to make space great again!
(You can tell today is April Fools Day, right?)
Interesting how those uniforms and spacesuits apparently have Spanx built-in, eh?
To Be Concluded in...
Monday Madness

(on Monday, obviously)!
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Friday, March 31, 2023


Ironically, this was planned months ago for 2023's April Fool's Weekend...
...but with Don da Con's indictment last night, it's even more entertaining now!
Reads like a QAnon wet dream, doesn't it?
Appropriately, it continues tomorrow as our April Fool's Day edition of Space Force Saturdays!
When we first posted about this book, we weren't certain if writer Chuck Dixon was doing a serious or satirical take on the concept.
And we weren't the only ones, as shown HERE!

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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Where are the "Kool" Uniforms for Don da Con's Space Force?

The uniforms for Don da Con's "Space Force" have been unveiled...

...and are military surplus camos...for space warfare!
When you're given a multi-million dollar budget and you cant even do better than a 1970s tv series...'re really badly off!
Ironically, the comic-book version of Space Force has a much better uniform...
But, then, in the comic, Don da Con has lost over 100 pounds from his real-world weight!
(Or those spacesuits have built-in Spanx!)
Sad, ain't it?
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Saturday, August 3, 2019

TRUMP'S SPACE FORCE Serious or Satire?

Self-identified con comics writer Chuck Dixon created this one-shot...
..which claims to be a "work of satire and parody"!
Consider the following...
Don da Con has lost over 100 pounds from his real-world weight!
(Or those spacesuits have built-in Spanx!)
Fellow three-wife-philandering con and hypocrite Newt Gingrich is shown to have tech knowledge far beyond his real-world mental capacity!
And, like many senior citizens (but not anyone under 65 with an average IQ or higher), he wears a baseball cap with a suit or blazer!
We won't even go into the plot point that anyone who disagrees with Don da Con is a disguised alien!
To any rational person, this is, indeed, a satire!
But to a con, (including many of the "deplorables"), the story reads as "possible if not probable".
But then, they thing pro wrestling is unscripted...
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