Showing posts with label epic illustrated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label epic illustrated. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder EPIC ILLUSTRATED "Arise, Awake"

Sometimes a "World" is Self-Contained... it is for the protagonist of this never-reprinted story from Marvel's Epic Illustrated #16 (1983)!
Writer/artist Marc Hempel created this tragic tale for Marvel's Heavy Metal-style adult fantasy magazine which ran from 1980 through 1986.
Hempel's work encompasses numerous science fiction and fantasy projects including extended runs on The Sandman and Swamp Thing as well as his own creations like Mars.
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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Trump Reading Room "Sinner"

If you wonder what sort of mindset would allow "God-fearing" evangelicals... support a proven heathen like Don da Con, as The Chosen of the Lord, perhaps this over half-century old tale will offer some insight...
In case you have trouble reading the marker, here it is...enlarged...
Originally published in the wonderful Silver Age prozine, Witzend #1, in 1966, this Archie Goodwin-scripted and illustrated tale has also appeared in Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Special #1 (1976) and Epic Illustrated #2 (1980), never losing it's impact!
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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Reading Room EPIC ILLUSTRATED "Relic"

Is this never-reprinted tale from the 1980s...
...a subtle commentary by the "old guard" about the "young bucks" who were taking over the comics industry?
When this Archie Goodwin-scripted/Al Williamson-rendered story appeared in Marvel's Epic Illustrated #27 (1984), the comics industry was going through an upheaval.
Due to the introduction in the late 1970s of comic book stores and the Direct Market (which enabled publishers to "print to order"), numerous small publishers were popping up to compete with the major companies.
But, among the casualties in the changing marketplace were the "old pros", long-time creatives who were finding less and less work as the majors hired youngsters who were willing to work on their characters for lower rates.
The older writers and artists did find work, but mostly for new publishers, and usually at lower rates.
Some kept going by taking commissions from fans for new pieces.
Others moved on to advertising or newspaper syndicate work.
It's a sad turn of events that only started reversing itself after 2000.
BTW, note the story is dedicated to Williamson's fellow Fleagle Gang member Roy Krenkel who passed away around the time this tale was being created.
Krenkel was especially expert at rendering lush overgrown jungles and fantastical lost cities, so Al's dedicating this particular tale to him was most appropriate.
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Friday, October 24, 2014

Reading Room SPACEHAWK "Pirates of Uranus"

If there was ever a space adventurer who experienced Halloween ever day of his career, it was...
...with aliens and monsters that even today's special effects would be hard-pressed to match!
If this story from Novelty's Target Comics #10 (1940) looks a little odd, there's a good reason for it.
Archival Press released a SpaceHawk trade paperback in 1978.
Though the book itself featured b/w line art interiors and a color cover, Archival made a deal with Marvel to provide Epic Illustrated a SpaceHawk story in color to accompany an article by Ron Goulart about Basil Wolvertont.
Unfortunately, Epic only gave them 8 pages, so the 10-page story had to be edited to fit the page count.
Be here Monday to see the original longer version of the story.
BTW, the hand-coloring, which was photographically-color separated (they didn't have scanners then), was done by Rick Veitch.
It has a wonderful "organic" feel computer coloring just can't match.