Showing posts with label Arthur Conan Doyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arthur Conan Doyle. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Gifts are Afoot, Watson!

OK, it's a silly paraphrase of a classic line, but we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ take our Sherlockania VERY seriously...
As part of our Crime & Punishment™ collection, we've given The Greatest Sleuth of All™ his very own section!
12 different designs, including several with Basil Rathbone, the man who is to Sherlock Holmes as Sean Connery is to James Bond, not the first, but to many (including myself), the definitive portrayer!
Add to that, several classic comic book covers, a variety of other movie posters (including the campy A Study in Terror with Holmes as "The ORIGINAL Caped Crusader"!), the coolest cigar box art I've ever seen (based on William Gillette), and 1st Edition covers from A Study in Scarlet and His Last Bow!
If you're looking for a cool Christmas gift for the Holmesian, Sherlockian, or Baker Street Irregular in your life, you can't go wrong with one of these mugs, bags, shirts or other goodies!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cover Preview: SHERLOCK HOLMES "Liverpool Demon"

Our good friend Francesco Francavilla is doing covers for one a new mini-series...
Issue #1
...featuring one of our favorite characters!
Here's the synopsis...
The year is 1888: the Great Detective and the ever dependable Dr. Watson find themselves in the bleak northern port city of Liverpool from whose still bustling docklands grim slave vessels once sailed.
Violent gangs roam the streets and the city’s struggling police force are fighting a war against an all pervading criminal underworld.
A strange creature is sighted high among the rooftops and soon dead bodies bearing strange wounds begin to mysteriously appear.
Only Sherlock Holmes can cut to the heart of the mystery and expose the truth behind the spectre of The Liverpool Demon.
Here's the covers for the other three issues in the series...
Issue #2
Issue #3
Issue #4
It looks like a helluva lot of fun, and, of course, the Greatest Sleuth of All will find a (ahem) logical explanation for all the satanic goings-on!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

"The Gifts are Afoot, Watson..."

OK, it's a silly paraphrase of a classic line, but we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ take our Sherlockania VERY seriously...
As part of our Crime & Punishment™ collection, we've given The Greatest Sleuth of All™ his very own section!
12 different designs, including several with Basil Rathbone, the man who is to Sherlock Holmes as Sean Connery is to James Bond; not the first, but to many (including myself), the definitive portrayer!
Add to that, several classic comic book covers, a variety of other movie posters (including the campy A Study in Terror with Holmes as "The ORIGINAL Caped Crusader"!), the coolest cigar box art I've ever seen (based on William Gillette, the definitive stage Holmes), and 1st Edition covers including A Study in Scarlet and His Last Bow!
NEW: Sherlock Holmes Throw Blankets & Snugglies!
The Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes! 2012 12-Month Calendar!
The Sherlock Holmes: the Greatest Sleuth of All! 2012 12-Month Calendar!
With the NEWEST Robert Downey jr/Jude Law movie opening December 16th, if you're looking for a cool, retro Christmas gift for the Holmesian, Sherlockian, or Baker Street Irregular in your life, you can't go wrong with one of these calendars, mugs, bags, shirts or other goodies! (Let him/her go to the flick "secret chic" style with a vintage Holmes sweatshirt or hoodie!)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: Sherlock Holmes!

Here's the trailer for the upcoming flix with Jared Harris as Professor Moriarty.
Note the Mauser in Downey's hand. In 1896, this was THE state-of-the-art pistol.

Now a look at another Holmes and Moriarty...Basil Rathbone and Lionel Atwill!
Sherlock Holmes & the Secret Weapon

Peter Cushing's Sherlock...
Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)

Chistopher Plummer as Holmes vs Jack the Ripper...
Murder by Decree

Friday, November 28, 2008

Just in time for Black Friday...BLACK HOODIES!

The night before Thanksgiving, Atomic Kommie Comics™ received an e-mail from our supplier, CafePress, that they had just set up to offer black sweatshirts and hoodies.
We immediately went to work, implementing our designs on dark garb where appropriate.
For example, while Santa Claus and SnowMan wouldn't look right on black, Scrooge and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians worked perfectly!
Add Sherlock Holmes (and most of the Crime & Punishment™ line), Horror Comics of the 1950s™, and Seduction of the Innocent™, and you have a cool collection of potential Christmas presents for your pop culture-loving black garb-wearing hipster sweetie!

NOTE: We'll be adding black hoodies & sweatshirts to other categories over the next week, so keep an eye out!