Showing posts with label Cleveland Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cleveland Show. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fantastic Femmes--Sanaa Lathan

Considering she started her career with a featured role in Blade and has done top-notch work in several genre flicks and TV shows since, it's unforgivable that I haven't taken a long...lingering...look at the lovely Sanaa McCoy Lathan before now.
The multi-talented Sanna is equally at home on the Broadway stage (a Tony Award-nominated performance in a revival of Raisin in the Sun), an animation voice-recording studio, or doing a lot of her own stunts on camera.
Genre credits include...
Contagion (Mrs Brooks)
Cleveland Show (Donna Tubbs Brown)
Blade (Vanessa Brooks)
Out of Time (Ann Merai Harrison)
Alien vs Predator (Alexa Woods)
Golden Blaze (Monica)

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