Showing posts with label Public Defender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Defender. Show all posts

Monday, December 5, 2011

Design of the Week--Public Defender in Action!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...He's the man who defends those who can't afford a defender!
He's the Public Defender and he's obviously in Action! (It says so in the title!)
While district attorneys and criminal lawyers tend to get all the attention in fiction, Legal Aid lawyers usually get short shrift, most often as easily-disposed courtroom opposition for lead characters in various Law & Order series.
There's only been one radio series (Roger Kilgore: Public Defender) and a single tv series (Young Lawyers) about them*.
Oh, and this short-lived comic book series about Richard Manning, who defends those the law has wrongly-accused!
It didn't set the world on fire during it's six-issue run (In fact, it's never been reprinted!), but it did offer a contrast to the usually-infallible police and DAs who never prosecuted an innocent person!
We're promoting our addition of Public Defender in Action to our Crime & Punishment™ line of comic collectibles which includes his across-the-aisle counterpart, Mr District Attorney with a one-week special including items that won't be offered in the regular store!
If you have a friend/relative/loved one who is a Legal Aid lawyer or legal aide, one of these kool kollectibles would make a great kitschy Christmas gift!
Be there for Public Defender!
He'd be there for you!

*The long-running TV series The Guardian, starring Simon Baker, was about a lawyer from a high-end firm forced to perform community service as a Legal Aid consultant after a drug conviction.
Not the same thing. ;-)