Showing posts with label Alberto Giolitti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alberto Giolitti. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Spend President's Day with the Greatest President of All!

We ran this 100-page, never-reprinted story...
...featuring art by the legendary John Buscema immediately after the 2012 Presidental Elections.
You can read it right before President's Day HERE!
Bonus: another, shorter, never-reprinted tale about Abe Lincoln by John Buscema HERE!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Reading Room: ABRAHAM LINCOLN: LIFE STORY "End of the Civil War & Asssassination"

Most people don't realize that the end of the Civil War and the murder of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865 were less than 1 week apart!
This section of Dell's never-reprinted one-shot Abraham Lincoln: Life Story (1958) was written by Gaylord DuBois, pencilled by John Buscema, and inked by Alberto Giolitti.
Be here next week as we present a number of graphic visions of Lincoln's final day...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reading Room: ABRAHAM LINCOLN: LIFE STORY "Conclusion"

War has come to America.
But it is not America versus an invader, but brother against brother as Southern states secede and form the Confederate States of America.
The recently-inaugurated President faces a challenge no other American leader before or since has dealt with...winning a civil war and somehow reuniting both sides into one nation!
This section of Dell's never-reprinted one-shot Abraham Lincoln: Life Story (1958) was written by Gaylord DuBois, pencilled by John Buscema, and inked by Alberto Giolitti.
Go see the new Steven Spielberg-directed feature film starring Daniel Day-Lewis as Honest Abe opening all over the country tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Before we continue with the Life Story of Abraham Lincoln...
...just a quick look at some of the players.
Now that we've done that, we begin telling of
The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln!
NOTE: May be considered NSFW due to reference to Black Americans as "Negroes" (which was the politically-correct term when this comic was created in 1958), so no insult or disrespect is or was meant or intended.)
Helluva guy, that Lincoln!
The end of the Civil War, and the sad conclusion of our story...
This section of Dell's never-reprinted one-shot Abraham Lincoln: Life Story (1958) was written by Gaylord DuBois, and illustrated by Alberto Giolitti, known to American comics readers as the primary illustrator of the Gold Key Star Trek comic book of the 1960s-70s.
Note: the story is over 80 pages, so it's going to run through Friday.
But it's a story worth telling, especially with a new Steven Spielberg-directed feature film starring Daniel Day-Lewis as Honest Abe currently out in limited run, so I'm going ahead and I hope you'll join me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


...realizing he needed a proper education to get ahead in the world, young Abe Lincoln sought to better himself by any means necessary....
The early days of Lincoln's Presidency...
This section of Dell's never-reprinted one-shot Abraham Lincoln: Life Story (1958) was written by Gaylord DuBois, and illustrated by Alberto Giolitti, known to American comics readers as the primary illustrator of the Gold Key Star Trek comic book of the 1960s-70s.
Note: the story is over 80 pages, so it's going to run through Friday.
But it's a story worth telling, especially with a new Steven Spielberg-directed feature film starring Daniel Day-Lewis as Honest Abe currently out in limited run, so I'm going ahead and I hope you'll join me.