Showing posts with label David Sarnoff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Sarnoff. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reading Room "Heritage of the Titanic"

Who says comics aren't educational?
Bet you didn't know that!
Interestingly, there is speculation that this "fact" was just a piece of made-up publicity by Sarnoff himself.
(He was working at the telegraph station during that period, but may have been the supervisor for the actual telegraph operator.
Records on who-did-what are non-existent, so it's just anecdotal info.)

Regrettably, the writer and artist of this informative piece are unknown.
This one-page feature originally-published in the Ziff-Davis one-shot Captain Fleet (1952) was reprinted twice, in High Adventure #1 (1957) and Top Adventure Comics #1 (1958)
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