Showing posts with label smartphone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smartphone. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

JOHN CARTER Movie WallPapers

WallPapers from the movie website in various formats by clicking HERE!
Yeah, it's Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins), not John Carter.
I wanted to start with her...for obvious reasons.
You got a problem with that?
Didn't think so. ;-)
They should have called the film John Carter and the Princess of Mars.
Hits all the demographic bases: Men, women, teens, tweens, sf/fantasy fans, romance fans, Disney Princess fans, etc.
Sequels based on the books could have been...
John Carter and the Gods of Mars
John Carter and the WarLord of Mars
John Carter and Thuvia of Mars
John Carter and the ChessMen of Mars
John Carter and the MasterMind of Mars
John Carter and the Fighting Men of Mars
John Carter and the Swords of Mars
John Carter and the Synthetic Men of Mars
John Carter and Llana of Mars
John Carter of Mars
If the series did original tales they would also use the "John Carter and..." format for the titles.
Hey, it worked for Harry Potter and Indiana Jones, didn't it?

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