Showing posts with label deplorables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deplorables. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday Fun HILLBILLY COMICS "Man Who Hated the Moon!"

 Here's a tale of a guy like the good ol' boys who support the disgraced, impeached (yet re-elected) President...

...from a short-lived 1950s title telling their stories!
Yep, these are the people Don da Con and other Republicans play to while decrying the "educated elites".
"Bubbleville', according to Repug Mike Huckabee, represents the big cities of New York, Washington and Hollywood where the educated (but not smart) people live.
"Bubbaville", I guess, is everywhere else in the good ol' USA.
And that's where the "real people" are.
The ones who are smart...without all that fancy book-learnin'. 
The ones we city-folk call "deplorables"!
Written and illustrated by the highly-underrated Art Gates, this never-reprinted piece from Charlton's Hillbilly Comics #1 (1955) shows the "wisdom" the Cheeto Benito's audience is famous for!

Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday Fun / Trump Reading Room FARMER'S DAUGHTER "Short Subjects"

Since Donald (The John) Trump's "deplorables" have very short attention spans...'s a trio of one-pagers that will probably hit the limit of their attention!
These never-reprinted shorts from Stanhall's Farmer's Daughter #1 (1954) were typical of the sort of lowbrow humor the publisher specialized in.
With titles including Broadway-Hollywood Blackouts and G.I. JaneStanhall produced adult-oriented (but never more risque than PG-13) humor.
Animator Hal Seegar was the editor/writer/illustrator for the non "good girl" strips like "The Farmer", while Bill Williams handled the art for the more risque material (like the title feature) which Seegar wrote and edited.
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Friday, August 4, 2023

Friday Fun HICKORY "Irrigation Irritation"

Let's have a look at how some creatives see twice-impeached/thrice indicted Don (the Con) Trump's "deplorables"... this never-reprinted tale from Quality's Hickory #1 (1949)
Illustrated (and probably written) by Harry Sahle, this strip began in Hillman Comics' anthology All-Humor Comics, then spun-off into it's own, short-lived, title when All-Humor was cancelled.
In 1948-49, superheroes were all but kaput.
Comics were experimenting with every genre imaginable to see what would sell.
Li'l Abner was a major success in newspapers and had already spawned a radio series and feature film!
Strips like Looie Lazybones had long been a part of anthology titles, and series like Ozark Ike, and Babe had earned their own titles, though it was probably due more to their emphasis on the characters' involvement in sports than their rural origins.
Hickory the comic only lasted six issues.
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Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday Madness: Read the Comic Book SuperHero Who Embodies Don (the Con) Trump's Skewed Mindset!

When Many, Many, People Question the disgraced, twice-impeached EX-President's grasp on reality... wonder "how does he see himself and his place in the world"?
A hero who, without making any effort, or requiring any special skills or training, can do anything he wants, simply by willing it to be so!
An uneducated child's ultimate wish-fulfillment brought to life!
And isn't Trump the elderly embodiment of an uneducated child?
Read it for yourself...HERE!
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Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday Fun / Trump Reading Room LOOIE LAZYBONES "Bride fer Kissing Tim!"

Let's look in on the role model of Don da Con's deplorables...

...(except for his honesty, integrity, and chivalry) in this never-reprinted tale from Nedor's Thrilling Comics #71 (1949).
Created in 1943, Looie Lazybones floated around the Nedor Comics line as a "filler" strip until settling down in Thrilling Comics as of #56 (1946).

Young up-and-comer Frank Frazetta took over the art in #67 (1948) bringing it amazingly-close to the visual style of the strip's "inspiration", Al Capp's Li'l Abner, which had already become a media sensation, with a radio show, feature film, and tons of merchandising (including a solo comic about Abner, an anthology about Dogpatch, a title dedicated to Wolf Girl, and a book about the Shmoos)!
Frazetta's Looie was so close, in fact, that Capp hired him to "ghost" Li'l Abner in 1954!
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Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday Fun / CoronaVirus Comics NELLIE THE NURSE "Busman's Holiday"

Before teen books like the Archie line dominated humor comics...
...there were...I suppose you'd call them..."young adult" humor comics like this one!
BTW, this opening panel's situation does not appear in the story...
In many ways, these comics are the screwball comedy b-movies / TV situation comedies of their era, as this never-reprinted tale from Timely's Nellie the Nurse #2 (1946) demonstrates!
Nellie had a healthy 36-issue run from 1945 to 1954.
She also popped up as a back-up feature in Willie Comics, Comedy Comics, and Millie the Model from time to time.
BTW, we mentioned Archie Comics earlier in this post.
When Nellie was revived in the late 1950s by Timely's successor, Atlas Comics, guess what style she was drawn in?
Saw that one coming, didn't ya?
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Sunday, March 1, 2020

Don da Con and "I Want No Quid Pro Quo" hired a pair of DC/Marvel creatives to explain... graphic storytelling (aka "comic strip") format, the entire Don da Con impeachment mishigas!
Writer Anthony DelCol and illustrator Josh Adams, utilizing quotes, transcripts, and testimony put the entire tale in context from start to finish so simply and effectively, even a Repug Senator could follow it!
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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Where are the "Kool" Uniforms for Don da Con's Space Force?

The uniforms for Don da Con's "Space Force" have been unveiled...

...and are military surplus camos...for space warfare!
When you're given a multi-million dollar budget and you cant even do better than a 1970s tv series...'re really badly off!
Ironically, the comic-book version of Space Force has a much better uniform...
But, then, in the comic, Don da Con has lost over 100 pounds from his real-world weight!
(Or those spacesuits have built-in Spanx!)
Sad, ain't it?
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Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Collectible Don da Con Comic Book Statue That Wasn't...

We talked about the comic book Trump's Space Force HERE...
...but did you know there was a collectible action figure given to IndeGoGo contirbutors who achieved a certain financial level?
Looks a lot like the comic book version, eh?
It replaced a far more realistic (if that word can apply to anything relating to Don da Con) statue...
...that never made it past the prototype stage!
Just thought you'd like to know...
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Saturday, August 3, 2019

TRUMP'S SPACE FORCE Serious or Satire?

Self-identified con comics writer Chuck Dixon created this one-shot...
..which claims to be a "work of satire and parody"!
Consider the following...
Don da Con has lost over 100 pounds from his real-world weight!
(Or those spacesuits have built-in Spanx!)
Fellow three-wife-philandering con and hypocrite Newt Gingrich is shown to have tech knowledge far beyond his real-world mental capacity!
And, like many senior citizens (but not anyone under 65 with an average IQ or higher), he wears a baseball cap with a suit or blazer!
We won't even go into the plot point that anyone who disagrees with Don da Con is a disguised alien!
To any rational person, this is, indeed, a satire!
But to a con, (including many of the "deplorables"), the story reads as "possible if not probable".
But then, they thing pro wrestling is unscripted...
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