Along with classic covers from the Golden Age of Comics, Atomic Kommie Comics is now offering (due to a number of requests) the logos that adorned the comics as stand-alone images on our collectibles in our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics line.
If you go to LogoWear you'll see the current batch of goodies including The Black Terror, The Fighting Yank, The Green Lama, Amazing-Man, and The Face. Anthology titles like Exciting Comics, Startling Comics, Keen Detective Funnies, etal, will also be coming shortly, along with many more heroes like The Flame, The Owl, Frankenstein, etc.
Note: these are not the new, trademarked logos for the Project SuperPowers versions of the public domain characters, but the original logos from the 1940s-50s! Personally, we hope Dynamite will do some tie in products with art by Ross, Sadowski, etc. (I'll be one of the first in line to buy them when they do! Hell, you should see the amount of Alex Ross stuff I have in my collection!) ;-)
BUY Project SuperPowers #0 (out now), and if you're looking for some kool kollectibles featuring the classic heroes, stop by here!