Showing posts with label big bang theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big bang theory. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Design of the Week--Sheldon & Leonard's Hero...CAPTAIN FUTURE!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
Your eyes do not deceive you!
It's the 1940s magazine artwork the kool poster adorning Sheldon and Leonard's apartment (in the tv series Big Bang Theory) is based on!
It was the premiere issue of a cult-favorite pulp magazine called Captain Future that ran thru the 1940s, was reprinted in paperback in the 1960s, became a fan-fave anime series in the 1980s, and has recently been revived in hardcover!
It's already part of our Captain Future collection featuring the many faces of the Captain Future character(s) in pulps and comics, but we felt it was time to spotlight this particular piece due to it's historical significance and the fan interest we've seen on the Net.Plus, it's now on a number of items not part of our main collection, and after next Sunday, they'll no longer be available!
So act now to get the Man of Tomorrow, created in the past, before he disappears next week! (Wha?)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Design of the Week--Captain Future Logo Redux

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
In rare cases, like this, we keep it another week because sales are so good!
It's the logo of the hero of Big Bang Theory's Sheldon and Leonard, hanging in a place or honor by the front door of their apartment...
He's the Wizard of Science!
He's been the subject of pulp magazines, comic books, even an anime series!
He's Captain Future, and now you can wear him on shirts, bags, cellphone & e-reader cases, and other kool stuff!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Design of the Week--Captain Future Logo

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...It's the logo of the hero of Big Bang Theory's Sheldon and Leonard, hanging in a place or honor by the front door of their apartment!
He's the Wizard of Science!
He's been the subject of pulp magazines, comic books, even an anime series!
He's Captain Future, and now you can wear him on shirts, bags, cellphone & e-reader cases, and other kool stuff!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Captain Science: Hero of Nerds & Geeks (including us) everywhere!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ are major fans of the tv series The Big Bang Theory.
Sheldon, Leonard, and their associates speak to us as fellow nerds, pardon me, pop culture aficionados.

But what we want to know is...why don't they dress the part?

Sheldon wears Green Lantern t-shirts.
Now consider the Earthmen who have worn the particular insignia of the intergalactic police corps that Sheldon wears...
A jock test pilot!
A psychotic social worker/teacher!
An architect/ex-marine!
Note: the newest GL, comic book artist Kyle Rayner wears a variation of the insignia Sheldon wears, and is not included. Ironically, of all the Silver/Bronze/Current GLs, he's the GL Sheldon SHOULD be wearing!)

You'd think Sheldon would wear The Batman, the thinking-man's hero, the man with NO powers who can defeat even Superman!
Or the Golden Age Green Lantern, a radio technologist-turned media mogul (what a role model!)

But, if he'd really want to "go geek", he should go...
After all, is he not Master of Technology™?
Does he not utilize his knowledge to triumph over bigger, stronger, foes?
Does he not have both a cool name and logo?
And he has a very retro look popular among us ner--I mean pop culture aficionados!
C'mon Big Bang crew, let Sheldon's true nerd shine thru!
Show him wearing CAPTAIN SCIENCE, the clothing line he was born to wear!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Captain Science: Hero of Nerds & Geeks (including us) everywhere!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ are major fans of the tv series The Big Bang Theory.
Sheldon, Leonard, and their associates speak to us as fellow geeks, pardon me, pop culture aficionados.

But what we want to know is...why don't they dress the part?

Sheldon wears Green Lantern t-shirts.
Now consider the Earthmen who have worn the particular insignia of the intergalactic police corps that Sheldon wears...
A jock test pilot!
A psychotic social worker/teacher!
An architect/ex-marine!
Note: the newest GL, comic book artist Kyle Rayner wears a variation of the insignia Sheldon wears, and is not included. Ironically, of all the Silver/Bronze/Current GLs, he's the GL Sheldon SHOULD be wearing!)

You'd think Sheldon would wear The Batman, the thinking-man's hero, the man with NO powers who can defeat even Superman!
Or the Golden Age Green Lantern, a radio technologist-turned media mogul (what a role model!)

But, if he'd really want to "go geek", he should go...
CAPTAIN SCIENCE (part of our O Captain, My Captain: Captains of the Cosmos™ line)!
After all, is he not Master of Technology™?
Does he not utilize his knowledge to triumph over bigger, stronger, foes?
Does he not have both a cool name and logo?
And he has a very retro look popular among us ner--I mean pop culture aficionados!
C'mon Big Bang crew, let Sheldon's true nerd shine thru!
Show him wearing CAPTAIN SCIENCE, the clothing line he was born to wear!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Captain Science: Hero of Nerds & Geeks everywhere!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ are major fans of the tv series The Big Bang Theory.
Sheldon, Leonard, and their associates speak to us as fellow geeks, pardon me, pop culture aficionados.

But what we want to know is...why don't they dress the part?

Sheldon wears Green Lantern t-shirts.
Now consider the Earthmen who have worn the particular insignia of the intergalactic police corps that Sheldon wears...
A jock test pilot!
A psychotic social worker/teacher!
An architect/ex-marine!
Note: the newest GL, comic artist Kyle Rayner wears a variation of the insignia Sheldon wears, and is not included. Ironically, of all the Silver/Bronze/Current GLs, he's the GL Sheldon SHOULD be wearing!)

You'd think Sheldon would wear The Batman, the thinking-man's hero, the man with NO powers who can defeat even Superman!
Or the Golden Age Green Lantern, a radio technologist-turned media mogul (what a role model!)

But, if he'd really want to "go geek", he should go...
CAPTAIN SCIENCE (part of our O Captain, My Captain: Captains of the Cosmos line)!
After all, is he not Master of Technology™?
Does he not utilize his knowledge to triumph over bigger, stronger, foes?
Does he not have both a cool name and logo?
And he has a very retro look popular among us ner--I mean pop culture aficionados!
C'mon Big Bang crew, let Sheldon's true nerd shine thru!
Show him wearing CAPTAIN SCIENCE, the clothing line he was born to wear!