Showing posts with label Ogden Whitney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ogden Whitney. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Valentine's Day Special MY ROMANTIC ADVENTURES "Comic Valentine!" Conclusion

...struggling artist Peg Manton couldn't find a profitable venue for her talent.
Broke and starving, she encountered George Jessup, an average guy who recognized her artistic ability, and suggested she try her hand at doing a comic strip!
With his guidance, she created "The Loves of Lorna Lee", basing Lorna on herself!
The innovative strip was snapped up in record time by a newspaper syndicate!
While Peg reveled in her new-found professional success, George professed his love for her.
But Peg didn't feel the same way, and George accepted his fate as a close friend, continuing to offer suggestions about the strip...which had started losing readers due to a lack of a compelling male co-star to match the female lead.
With George's help, Peg created an extremely-manly character..Greg Gallant...who proved so popular that he stole the stip's title as well as his creator's heart as she began having erotic fantasies about her own creation!
A major studio bought the rights to the strip and came up with the idea to cast an unknown actor to play the part...with Peg making the final decision!
All that in a 13-page story!
These days, it'd be a full-length Graphic Novel!
Writer/editor Richard E Hughes and illustrator Ogden Whitney presented an extremely idealized version of what goes into creating and marketing syndicated comic strips, as well as offering a beautiful and talented woman who looked past the physical to choose a guy who, though less handsome than his rival for her affections, possessed intellectual and emotional attributes she wanted in a "significant other"!
A most appropriate tale for Valentine's Day, eh?
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentines Day Special MY ROMANTIC ADVENTURES "Comic Valentine!" Part 1

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Celebrate with this unique tale from ACG's My Romantic Adventures #111 (1960)!
No, it's not a dream!
Not an imaginary story!
That's Greg Gallant!
(Or is it?)
Only writer Richard E Hughes and artist Ogden Whitney know!
You'll have to wait until Thursday to find out!
And Keep in Mind...
You'll Cry Your Eyes Out if You Miss It!
And now a word from our sponsor...
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Agonizing Love

Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday Fun MODELING WITH MILLIE "Millie the Marvel"

If you think Marvel and DC are rebooting their characters (and continuities) more frequently than ever...'ve never followed the many incarnations of Millie the Model from 1945 to the present!
This particular story is from the early Silver Age "romance comic" phase of her career.
This never-reprinted story from Modeling with Millie #54 (1967); written by Gary Friedrich, penciled by Odgen Whitney, and inked (uncredited) by Frank Giacoia; was Millie the Marvel's only appearance.
It was also the final issue of this particular title.
Over at her ongoing "sister" title, Millie the Model, the character returned to her previous Archie Comics-influenced format, once more becoming a teen-humor title without ongoing storylines.
Trivia: From 1945 to 1973, there was always at least one Millie title from Atlas/Marvel, for a total of five different series, plus annuals, a couple of one-shots, an ongoing strip in Comedy Comics, and a spin-off series for her rival, Chili!
Her main title ran for 207 issues, and was, until Fantastic Four #207 came out in 1979, Marvel's longest-running character-named book!
(Books with longer runs like Mighty ThorIncredible Hulk, and Captain America had different names [Journey into MysteryTales to Astonish, and Tales of Suspense, respectively] before becoming "character" titles.
Millie's flagship title was always Millie the Model!)
Millie was rebooted several times going from a romance/humor hybrid to Archie-style humor to romance/soap opera and finally back to Archie-style humor with changes to the characters' ages, professions, and relationships at each stage.
Millie Collins, despite being shown as outside the Marvel Universe in this tale, has appeared as part of the mainstream Marvel universe in several titles, including the "Wedding of Reed and Sue" in Fantastic Four Annual #3 (and Marvels #2), Dazzler #34, Sensational She-Hulk #60, and the Models, Inc mini-series.
In the 1980s, a middle-aged Millie appeared in the Star Comics mini-series Misty, about the teen-age daughter of Millie's brother!
(The best thing about this Trina Robbins-produced mini-series was the retro look and use of readers' designs for the characters' clothes.)
Millie was scheduled to be rebooted in 2003 as a teen-age tennis player in a manga-style mini-series called 15-Love.
When the project was finally published in 2011 (yeah, eight years later), the lead character was Millie's teen-age niece (though Millie herself did appear briefly)!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

It's a New Year! Are You Ready for "A-DAY"?

Are you scared because you think the world is on the brink of war?
Back in the 1950s, we lived with the concept on a daily basis...and even told comic book tales about it!
This never-reprinted tale from Ziff-Davis' Amazing Adventures #1 (1950) offered some interesting, and (to some) subversive messages.
Illustrated by long-time pro Ogden Whitney, it shows how, unfortunately, human nature can destroy a potential Utopia...while ignoring how current technology wasn't (and still isn't) up to keeping "cheap" atomic power reasonably safe.
Something to ponder, even more than seven decades later...

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Holiday Reading Room ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "Why the Leprechauns Left Ireland!"

 At last, the long-repressed (and never-reprinted) story can be told...

...on, appropriately enough, St Patrick's Day!
So, they left Earth...not just Ireland!
Whatta story!
Nikita Khrushchev, Communists and possible Atomic War!
Cape Canaveral (before it was renamed Cape Kennedy, after Irish-American Prez John F Kennedy)!
Plus:  Giants from the center of the Earth!
Does it get any better than this?
I don't think so.
Writer/editor Richard Hughes (under the appropriate pen-name Shane O'Shea) and illustrator Odgen Whitney probably thought the same when they created this whimsical tale for ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #132 (1962).
59 years later, it's my pleasure to present it for your St Patricks Day entertainment.
Now, if you'll excuse me, there's several pints of Guinness Extra Stout in my fridge, waiting to meet me...
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Sunday, May 17, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "Higher Power!"

On the Christian sabbath we ask "when science fails, can faith find a way"?
Perhaps this short. from ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #91 (1957) holds the answer!
Did writer/editor Richard E Hughes and artist Ogden Whitney base this tale on an oft-heard urban legend?
Oddly, when the story was reprinted in ACG's Unknown Worlds #18 (1962), it was retitled...

...and nobody can recall why!
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Brendan and Erc in Exile Volume 1
Truth is Out There

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Reading Room OPERATION: PERIL "Time Travelers: Adventure Among the Stars" Conclusion, they weren't shooting it out with aliens on an airless planetoid, as this misleading Odgen Whitney cover shows, but they have been transported to Saturn, where Tom is about to do battle, unarmed, against a really big green alien...
Will the Saturnians reappear?
And if they do, will it be as friend or foe?
Only writer Richard Hughes and artist Ken Bald, who produced this tale for ACG's Operation Peril #4 (1951) know the answer!
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Time Travelers
Complete Series