Showing posts with label Barbarella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbarella. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Space Heroine Saturdays BARBARELLA 1.2

Barbarella crash-landed on the planet Lythion where, after a number of...interesting...situations, she managed to reunite two long-feuding races, ending their centuries-long war.
With her ship destroyed, the amazing woman gets a lift from a conveniently-arriving space freighter and is off to another astounding adventure on other worlds...

We'll return to Barbarella in the near future...after we catch our breath...
It's interesting to see various plot elements and characters that Roger Vadim and Claude Brulé re-composited in the 1960s movie's script!
Speaking of which...
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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Space Heroine Saturdays: BARBARELLA Part 1.0

While most are familiar with the psychedelic movie starring Jane Fonda...

...few are those who read the entire Barbarella saga, much less the four stories that comprise the translated graphic novel that introduced her to English-speaking fans in 1966 after becoming a smash hit in Europe.
Now, jump in, the way readers in the '60s had to, and try to keep up...
Tune in
Next Saturday
 for the conclusion to Part 1
Note: This material is from the original Grove Press edition from 1966.
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Monday, September 5, 2011

Reading Room: BARBARELLA 4.2

After surviving the Excessive Machine, Barbarella ends up in the bedroom of the Queen of Sogo.
The pair manage to escape and free the blind angel, Pygar.
However, unskilled in piloting the alien craft they are traveling in, Barbarella crashes the ship, and in the ensuing confusion, the Queen escapes...
This multi-part comic strip was turned into a graphic album, and then adapted into a feature film starring Jane Fonda in the title role.
Barbarella wouldn't have a new adventure until 1974, when Wrath Of The Minute Eater was published in France.
Two more graphic novels, False Moon aka Moon Child (1977) and Storm Mirror (1982), have appeared since.
Of the three sequels, only Moon Child is available in English in a presently OOP graphic novel.
There are no current plans for any English-language reprints.

Nelvana Animation, proposed doing an animated series during the 1990s, but no network was willing to finance it.
Proposal art by Jean-Claude Forrest
Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Machete) had a movie remake in development, but it died in 2009, and no one else seems interested...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Reading Room: BARBARELLA 3.2

Barbarella met a number of inhabitants of the labyrinth surrounding Lythion's capital city, Sogo, including Pygar the blind angel, and Earth scientist Durand.
With their help, Barbarella defeated the LeatherMen and is now en-route to the city itself.
While many elements were adapted into the feature film with minimal alteration, there's one startling difference...Durand, the main villain of the movie, is a good guy in the original comic strip!

More Barbarella soon.

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