Showing posts with label 2010s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010s. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder AIRSHIP ENTERPRISE "Infernal Machine" Conclusion

It's all been leading to this... Captain Janus Tibbs, in a last, desperate move, has her steampunk airship do what, apparently, every flying vehicle named Enterprise can do...separate the saucer (er...discus) section from the rest of the ship!

"And the Adventure Continues..."
Sadly, no!
While there is a graphic novel compilation of the mini series, there hasn't been a follow-up since initial publication in 2014!
Next Week:
A New World of Wonder!

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Graphic Novel re-presenting the mini-series along with additional goodies
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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder AIRSHIP ENTERPRISE "Infernal Machine" Part 4a

We Have Already Seen...

With the Enterprise heavily-damaged, Captain Janus Tibbs must come up with a brilliant stratigem to protect her crew and ship and stop an all-but unstoppable enemy attempting to assimilate her and her people!

Next Wednesday...
The Explosive Finale!
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Graphic Novel re-presenting the mini-series along with additional goodies
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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder AIRSHIP ENTERPRISE "Infernal Machine" Part 3b

We Have Already Seen...

...preparing to go into battle to avoid assimilation by the Sky God Damballah, Captain Janus Tibbs checks on repairs to the heavily-damaged Enterprise!
But a new threat from within arises...

It's, Literally, Into the Belly of the Beast...
Next Wednesday!
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Graphic Novel re-presenting the mini-series along with additional goodies
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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder AIRSHIP ENTERPRISE "Infernal Machine" Part 3a

...Responding to a distress call from a research vessel, the Enterprise encounters a belt of living, sentient, and aggressive matter that forces two scoutships down to the surface of largest of the rock-like beings, where a number of the crew (but not all) are now mind-controlled by a humanoid entity calling itself Aido Querdo...which claims to serve an unseen "SkyFather Dambalah"...
As the valiant crew prepare for battle, we take our leave until
Next Wednesday!
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Graphic Novel re-presenting the mini-series along with additional goodies
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Sunday, February 2, 2025

These are the Voyages of the Steampunk Airship Enterprise...

Several Years Ago, Wednesday Worlds of Wonder presented...
...the first half of this steampunk "re-imagining" of the concepts behind Star Trek!
Here are links to those four chapters...
Starting this Wednesday and running through February, we return to this retro-kool World of Wonder to complete the saga!
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Graphic Novel re-presenting the mini-series along with additional goodies
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Friday, November 1, 2024

Friday Fascist Fun / Trump Reading Room TRUMP'S ABC

 Considering this was created only six months into Don da Con's (hopefully) sole term of office...

...the fact that it's still potentially-pertinent almost a decade later is indeed disturbing!
We present selected excerpts...

Written in a sing-songy rhyme and drawn in a beguilingly-impeccable ink line by Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes, each page is a miniature critique and expose of convicted criminal and impeached politician Don da Con and his janissaries, poltroons, and dissemblers, illustrating his public policies, his personal defects, his ethical dysfunction, and the unfortunate consequences of his Presidency on the lives of Americans ― in a format that is cleverly designed to reflect his minimal attention span and toddler-like mental level.
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by Ann Telnaes
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Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday Madness: Neil Gaiman Spoofs Gothic Romances...AND Romance Comic Books!

Who else could do it...and do it so well?
So, check out our annual summertime "beach read" Gothic romance...
at our "sister" RetroBlog...

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(An anthology of original Gothic horror prose tales by various authors where the short story the graphic novel is based on first appeared)
(Prose anthology of Gaiman's work featuring the short story the graphic novel is based on, along with background information)
(Graphic novel adaptation of the short story)