Showing posts with label Peter Cushing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Cushing. Show all posts

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Doctor Who Deja Vu!

We're into the 2nd week of the newest Doctor Who's run, and whom do we already see?
Yep, the Daleks!
Used to be we'd have to wait at least a couple of months before they turned up, but now it's "Here's The Doctor and, of course, the Daleks!"
Here's a comic book adaptation of their first movie appearance...from almost 50 years ago!
The more thing change...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Join Us in the Peter Cushing Centennial Blogathon!

To celebrate the 100th birthday of horror cinema legend Peter Cushing, a wild collection of bloggers (including yours truly) are doing a blogathon!
You can see our entries (there'll be a couple) over the next few days at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™, where we're covering Cushing's turn as Doctor Who!