Showing posts with label amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amazon. Show all posts

Saturday, August 6, 2016

We're Back with Amazon

For a while, Amazon refused to allow residents of New York or Illinois to participate in their Associate program, so people from those states were unable to embed links to Amazon that would also give them a comission.
(We have apartments in both New York City and Chicago, so it affected us either way!)
Those problems have been resolved, so New Yorkers and Illinii can now be Associates again.
Atomic Kommie Comics and the other RetroBlogs will now be offering links to related Amazon goodies in each post.
When you see a display like this...
Support Atomic Kommie Comics
Order the bottom of a post, it'll take you to Amazon and help us out!
Unlike other comics bloggers who ask for handouts, we always give you something tangable for your hard-earned money, whether it's Amazon or one of the storefronts on the left of this page.
If you like our work, please patronize them.