Showing posts with label Avatar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avatar. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

Design of the Week--Here's How 3-D Works!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
While we've had a great response to our new line of 3-D Collectibles,  there have been several requests for a more...generic...version of the Bwana Devil 3-D Diagram.
Not wanting to alienate a potential customer base, we've done just that!
So, for one week, you can get your hot little hands on this especially-created version of the already-best-selling graphics we've seen on people's shirts and bags at IMAX Avatar showings!
Secret Chic strikes again!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Design of the Week--Sheena in 3-D Redux!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
Both our recent 3-D offerings have done well enough to warrant being held-over for a second week!
As you may have noticed, we're in the midst of the third cycle of 3-D media, which, oddly enough, seem to occur in 30-year cycles!
(The first was in the early 1950s, the second in the early 1980s.)
With James Cameron's Avatar back in movie theatres this weekend, we thought, why not present a cover image from a 3-D book featuring a beautiful woman in a technologically-primitive, exotic jungle environment? It's what I'll be wearing to the movies this weekend!
OK, so she's not blue, and she's not Zoe Saldana, but hey, you work with what you've got!
(Sheena has appeared in pulps, several different comic book series, a feature film and two different tv series, so it's not like she has no name recognition...)
Besides t-shirts & hoodies, the art adorns messenger bags, mugs, and other tchochkies!
(BTW, the cover is also available as a spectacular limited-edition print!)
Sheena will be around for one more week. After that, she returns to the jungle, perhaps never to be seen again...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Funky 3-D Film for Back to School / High School / College!

As you trudge back to school, why not at least look like you're having fun?
With 3-D movies the big thing this year, go retro with clothing and collectibles featuring vintage art from the FIRST 3-D films (we're talkin' the 1950s here!)
It ain't Avatar, but it is kitchy / campy fun!
Available on t-shirts, mugs & coasters, messenger / iPad / Kindle bags, and a host of other goodies!
Have a look!
Have some fun!
Have a great semester!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Design of the Week--Sheena in 3-D!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
As you may have noticed, we're in the midst of the third cycle of 3-D media, which, oddly enough, seem to occur in 30-year cycles!
(The first was in the early 1950s, the second in the early 1980s.)
With James Cameron's Avatar back in movie theatres this weekend, we thought, why not present a cover image from a 3-D book featuring a beautiful woman in a technologically-primitive, exotic jungle environment? It's what I'll be wearing to the movies this weekend!
OK, so she's not blue, and she's not Zoe Saldana, but hey, you work with what you've got!
(But Sheena has appeared in pulps, several different comic book series, a feature film and two different tv series!)
Besides t-shirts & hoodies, the art adorns messenger bags, mugs, and other tchochkies!
(BTW, the cover is also available as a spectacular limited-edition print!)
Sheena will be around for one week. After that, she returns to the jungle, perhaps never to be seen again...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Remember Sky Captain, the FIRST BlueScreen / CGI Flick? (Part 2)

To continue from my rant yesterday...
Now, how could a movie with Angelina Jolie looking incredibly-hot in black leather...
...Bai Ling equally hot in black leather and spandex...
...and really kool retro-styled cgi fighter aircraft fail?
Because they miscast the title character!
Instead of a strong, handsome, physical type like George Clooney or Ewan McGregor...we got pretty-boy Jude Law.
Picture Roger Moore instead of Sean Connery as the first James Bond.
Would the 007 series have lasted from 1962 to today?
Don't think so!
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow had everything going for it, except a decent lead actor!
Maybe it wouldn't have been as big as Avatar, but it could have at least broken even!

Thanks for letting me vent.
Back to the usual tomorrow...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Remember Sky Captain, the FIRST BlueScreen / CGI Flick?

'Way before Avatar, there was another big-budget flick featuring fantastic CGI enviroments,
futuristic technology
and weird creatures,
all done with blue-screen and cgi...
It was...
(as if you couldn't guess...)
and, it could have been one of the biggest hits of all time, except they let this man...
Jude Law, 
star as the title character!
More tomorrow...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fantastic Femmes--Zoe Saldana IS Neytiri Dis'kahan Mo'at'itey

Too bad Fantastic Femme Zoe Saldana wasn't nominated for an Oscar for her performance as Neytiri.
If you just think of it as "digital makeup" rather than animation, it's as award-worthy as any performance in makeup (like John Hurt's performance in The Elephant Man)!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Michelle Rodriguez

Note: this page has been updated with NEW info HERE!
"Mercurial" doesn't begin to describe this talented, though sometimes undisciplined actress.
Known to the public as much for her off-camera escapades as for her acting, she tends to dominate the screen, even in secondary roles (IMHO).
Genre appearances include...
Tropico de Sangre (Minerva Mirabal)
Avatar (Trudy Chacon)
LOST (Ana-Lucia Cortez)
A Cat's Tale (Jujube)
The Breed (Nikki)
BloodRayne (Katarin)
Resident Evil (Rain Ocampo)
The Fast and the Furious / Fast & Furious [FandF 4] (Letty Marciano)
True Crime: Streets of LA [Video Game] (Rosie Velasco)
Halo 2 [Video Game] (Marine)

Check out...
Her official website